What is it about?

This study examined the reliability of the electrical resistivity technique in delineating sewage polluted zones and possible pathways into the groundwater network. The study examined sewage effluent that has been discharged through leaking sewer into the agricultural training farms which is used for cultivation of vegetables and cereals, thus constituting threat to human health.

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Why is it important?

The study is important the techniques applied can be used in mapping out unnatural zones around the farm that could constitute threat to human health


The study tested the effectiveness of the electrical resistivity technique in delineating pollution plume within the subsurface due to sewage effluent. It also delineated the subsurface geoelectric sequence and determined the layer geoelectrical parameters to localise the infiltration zone of pollution.

Mr Oluseun Adetola Sanuade
Oklahoma State University System

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Geoelectrical assessment of polluted zone by sewage effluent in University of Ibadan campus southwestern Nigeria, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, December 2017, Springer Science + Business Media,
DOI: 10.1007/s10661-017-6389-1.
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