What is it about?

Current work, the performance of an aerobic granular sludge (AGS) for real textile wastewater was investigated based on system operational parame￾ters evaluation. The study was performed for 90 days, and sampling was done once a week in which textile dyeing effluent from the textile mill was collected and subjected to laboratory-scale treatment. The samples from the inlet, the outlet of the wastewater plant, and within the bioreactor were collected at vari￾ous concentrations of mixed liquid suspended solids (MLSS), and hydraulic retention remained the same in the investigated period of 53 h. The objective of this study was to analyze the AGS system performance assessment by evalu￾ating the effect of different MLSS concentrations on chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), and oil/grease removal from real-based textile water. The results showed that removal of organic material from the process water increases with an increase in MLSS concentration in the bioreac￾tor and gradually shifts removal of COD from 91.2% to 94.5%. As the concen￾tration of microorganisms in the reactor (aeration tank) increases, the degradation of waste organics in the wastewater increases as well. Moreover, the % removal of TSS (83.5% to 98%) and removal of oil/grease (62.5% to 76.4%) were also increased. These results ultimately suggest that the utilization of an activated sludge system.

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Why is it important?

• The effectiveness of aerobic granular sludge was investigated for industrial textile effluent. • The increase in MLSS results in increase of % COD removal efficiency to 94.5%. • The AGS system can efficiently treat complicated and highly contaminated textile wastewater.


Writing this article was a great pleasure as it has co-authors with whom I have had long standing collaborations. This article also lead to progress in water treatment research. So industrial waste water are treated and reused aswel.

Tayyaba Malik
Bahauddin Zakariya University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Investigation of textile dyeing effluent using activated sludge system to assess the removal efficiency, Water Environment Research, October 2021, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1002/wer.1639.
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