What is it about?
Anisotropy must be considered in rock engineering, since almost every natural rock exhibits some degree of anisotropy. Understanding the mechanical behavior of anisotropic rock is crucial. However, current studies are largely limited to responses under conventional triaxial testing conditions. A true triaxial stress state, thus, serves as a more plausible approach in studying the actual subsurface conditions affecting the mechanical behavior of rocks. This study encapsulates the combined effects of the two aforementioned factors, largely overlooked up until now, in order to provide a better understanding for rock mechanics and rock engineering applications.
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Why is it important?
This paper helps future studies by furthering a deeper understanding of the effects of intermediate stress and anisotropy angle on rock behavior, in addition to providing a comprehensive data set for the analyses of anisotropic rocks under polyaxial stress conditions.
I am positive this study will help further our understanding of some key factors involved in rock mechanics and rock engineering, and will pave way for the formulation of rock failure criteria that describes rock failure with reasonable accuracy for different types of anisotropic rocks, under varying stress conditions. Through this study, I hope to see ourselves closer to optimizing engineering design and applications, involving rocks.
Saad Faizi
University of Hong Kong
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: The effects of intermediate principle stress on the mechanical behavior of transversely isotropic rocks: Insights from DEM simulations, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, March 2020, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1002/nag.3060.
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