All Stories

  1. Vortex Model and Blade Span Influence on Orthogonal Blade-Vortex Interaction Noise
  2. Influence of Blade Deformations on Open-Rotor Low-Speed and High-Speed Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics
  3. Aeroacoustic Study of the Interaction of a Rotating Blade with a Batchelor Vortex
  4. Explicit Filters with Spectral-Like Accuracy: Review of Design Criteria and Latest Developments
  5. Effect of Blade Shape Accuracy on Counter Rotating Open Rotor Aerodynamic and Acoustics
  6. Influence of Blade Deformations on Open-Rotor Low-Speed and High-Speed Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics
  7. Propeller Analysis Using Low & High Fidelity Aero-acoustic Methods
  8. Influence of Blade Thickness and Blade Span on Orthogonal Blade/Vortex Interaction Noise
  9. Aeroacoustic Study of the Interaction of a Rotating Blade with a Batchelor Vortex
  10. Open rotor interaction noise reduction through front rotor wake modification
  11. Influence of Torque Ratio on Counter-Rotating Open-Rotor Interaction Noise
  12. Numerical and Analytical Investigation of Orthogonal Blade/Vortex Interaction Noise
  13. Investigation of Counter Rotating Open Rotor Orthogonal Blade/Vortex Interaction Noise
  14. Influence of Torque Ratio on Counter Rotating Open Rotor Interaction Noise