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  1. Chinese website design: Communication as a mirror of culture
  2. Traffic Management of Video on Demand: An Analysis of Investments for Improving the End User's Quality of Experience
  3. Cultural adaptation of web design services as critical success factor for business excellence
  4. Measuring and comparing the performances of energy retail companies
  5. The Impact of Workforce Management Systems on Productivity and Quality: A Case Study in the Information and Communication Technology Service Industry
  6. The Impact of National Culture on E‐commerce Acceptance: the Italian Case
  7. New regulatory policies in Italy: Impact on financial results, on liquidity and profitability of natural gas retail companies
  8. A cluster analysis study based on profitability and financial indicators in the Italian gas retail market
  9. Asymmetry in mobile access charges: is it an effective regulatory measure?
  10. A productivity analysis of the Italian gas retail market
  11. The European gas market: the effects of liberalization on retail prices
  12. Could Asymmetric Regulation of Access Charges Improve the Competition between Mobile Networks?
  13. Pricing Analysis in International Interconnected Networks
  14. Wholesale Competition in the International Telecommunications System
  15. The Mobile Telecommunications Industry: the Competition under the Hypothesis of Price Discrimination Strategy