All Stories

  1. A Management Model for Transformative Corporate Social Responsibility Practices: The Case of the South African Business Sector
  2. Ease of Doing Business in Local Government: Push and Pull Factors for Business Investment in Selected South African Municipalities
  3. Evidence-based social cohesion interventions in local government
  4. Participative integrated development planning praxis in local government: The case of selected South African municipalities
  5. Senior manager competency profiling: The case of local government sector in the emerging country
  6. Public administration and management research : 'thermostat' or 'thermometer'?
  7. Constructing conceptual frameworks in social science research
  8. A constructivist framework for disaster risk policy in Zimbabwe
  9. A constructivist framework for disaster risk policy in Zimbabwe
  10. Perspectives on National Identity: The Case of Emerging Intelligentsia in South Africa
  11. Local economic development for urban resilience: The South African experiment
  12. Potential socio-economic consequences of mine closure
  13. Governance Apparatus in South Africa: From Policy Design to Service Delivery
  14. Disaster risk problem framing: Insights from societal perceptions in Zimbabwe
  15. Probing strategy-project alignment: The case of the South African Social Security Agency
  16. From Policy to Projects: A Public Service Value-Chain Network Model
  17. Expanding the disaster risk management framework: Measuring the constructed level of national identity as a factor of political risk
  18. A Unified Public Administration? Revisiting the Prospects of Constructing a Grand Theory for the Field
  19. Section 139 interventions in South African local government, 1994-2015
  20. Self-help governance necessitated by state dysfunctionalism
  21. Public Budgeting in African Nations: The Case of South Africa
  22. An exploration of objectivism and social constructivism within the context of disaster risk
  23. A quality management model for community newspapers: the case of developing countries
  24. Public administration teaching and interdisciplinarity
  25. Governance Apparatus in South Africa
  26. Disaster Risk Management: Disciplinary status and prospects for a unifying theory
  27. Project management and performance management: potential transdisciplinary contributions
  29. Project Governance: A Municipal Leadership Challenge
  30. Public Management and Disaster Risk Reduction: potential interdisciplinary contributions
  31. Project management for strategic change and upliftment (by Gerrit van der Waldt & Andre Knipe)