All Stories

  1. On welding of porous metals and alloys
  2. To the Technology of Laser Welding of Aluminum with Titanium
  3. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti/Ta/Cu/Ni alloy laminate composite materials produced by explosive welding
  4. The Effect of Preliminary Mechanical Activation on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Ni3Al+B Material Obtained by SPS
  5. Creation of dense samples of nickel and silver nanopowders by SPS method
  6. Laser welding of stainless steel to titanium using explosively welded composite inserts
  7. Explosively welded multilayer Ti-Al composites: Structure and transformation during heat treatment
  8. Formation of intermetallics at the interface of explosively welded Ni-Al multilayered composites during annealing
  9. Reactivity of materials towards carbon of graphite foil during Spark Plasma Sintering: A case study using Ni–W powders
  10. Synthesis of ceramics based on zirconium and hafnium borides by spark plasma sintering and study of its thermal oxidative stability
  11. Welding of titanium and stainless steel using the composite insert
  12. Синтез керамики на основе боридов циркония и гафния методом искрового плазменного спекания и исследование ее термоокислительной стойкости
  13. Synthesis and Compaction of Nickel Boride Ni3B by Means of Electric Spark Agglomeration
  14. Explosively welded multilayer Ni–Al composites
  15. Formation of Intermetallic Structures by Spark Plasma Sintering of Titanium and Aluminum Powders
  16. Carbon uptake during Spark Plasma Sintering: investigation through the analysis of the carbide “footprint” in a Ni–W alloy
  17. Welding of titanium and nickel alloy by combination of explosive welding and spark plasma sintering technologies
  18. Formation of Metal-Intermetallic Laminate Composites by Spark Plasma Sintering of Metal Plates and Powder Work Pieces
  19. Effect of Heat-Treatment on the Interface Microstructure of Explosively Welded Stainless Steel – Bronze Composite
  20. Structure and Properties of Multilayered Composite Materials “Nickel - Nickel Aluminide” Obtained Using SPS Method
  21. Spark Plasma Sintering of Mechanically Activated Ni and Al Powders
  22. The Structural Particularities of Multilayered Metal-Intermetallic Composites Fabricated by the Spark Plasma Sintering Technology
  23. Influence of the explosively welded composites structure on the diffusion processes occurring during annealing
  24. Microstructure and mechanical properties of copper-tantalum joints produced by explosive welding
  25. Failure of metallic-intermetallic laminate composites under dynamic loading