All Stories

  1. Companies Could Benefit When They Focus on Employee Wellbeing and the Environment: A Systematic Review of Sustainable Human Resource Management
  2. Management and sustainability dilemmas in Latin America: introduction
  3. Stress and myths related to the COVID-19 pandemic’s effects on remote work
  4. Blockchain technology is being used in Human Resources Management to limited success
  5. Diversity within Diversity: Equality and Managing Diversity
  6. Managing Gender Diversity in Companies Operating in Different National Contexts: The Case of Spanish MNCs in Latin American Countries
  7. Managing Workplace Inequality in Mexico: An Analysis of Gender, Age, and (Dis)Ability Status
  8. Diversity within Diversity Management: Where We Are, Where We Should Go, and How We Are Getting There
  9. Prevention of and interventions in workplace bullying: a global study of human resource professionals’ reflections on preferred action
  10. Attitudes towards women’s career advancement in Latin America: The moderating impact of perceived company international proactiveness
  11. Análisis de los factores del comportamiento organizacional en jóvenes que están iniciando su carrera laboral
  12. Predicting HR’s involvement and influence in strategic decision-making
  13. Evidence-Based Management
  14. Age as a predictor of attitudes toward the job separation
  15. La edad como predictor de actitudes en relación a la separación laboral
  16. Human Resource Management, Social Innovation and Technology
  17. Human Resource Management, Social Innovation and Technology
  18. Human Resource Management, Social Innovation and Technology
  19. Human Resource Management, Social Innovation and Technology
  20. Unlocking Social Innovation with HRM and Technology
  21. Introduction to Hispanic and Latin American work issues
  22. Social Media in Human Resources Management
  23. Social Media in Human Resources Management
  24. Social Media and Human Resource Management: It Takes Two to Tango
  25. Social Media in Strategic Management
  26. Social Media in Strategic Management
  27. Strategic Management and Social Media: The Leading Edge
  28. Acceptability of workplace bullying: A comparative study on six continents
  29. Globalization Capabilities and Perceived Career Opportunities from Globalization in Latin America
  30. Preface
  31. Work, family and values in four Latin‐American countries
  32. Chapter 9 Drivers of the Adoption of Online Recruitment — An Analysis using Innovation Attributes from Diffusion of Innovation Theory
  33. Does IT governance matter in e-HRM?
  34. Mentoring experiences of successful women across the Americas
  35. Values and attitudes towards women in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico
  36. Book Review: La mondialisation et ses effets: nouveaux debats: approches d'Europe et d'Amerique latine, by Pinot de Villechenon, Florence
  37. e‐HRM in Mexico: adapting innovations for global competitiveness
  38. Career success and satisfaction: a comparative study in nine countries
  39. Exploring career‐life success and family social support of successful women in Canada, Argentina and Mexico
  40. Professionally Successful Women: Some Evidence from the English-Speaking Caribbean
  41. The diffusion of human‐resource information‐technology innovations in US and non‐US firms
  42. Successful women of the Americas: the same or different?
  43. Successful Professional Women of the Americas
  44. Does the Use of English-language Questionnaires in Cross-national Research Obscure National Differences?
  45. September 11, 2001
  46. Entrepreneurial Cognition
  47. The Diffusion of HRITs Across English- Speaking Countries
  48. The Diffusion of HRITs Across English- Speaking Countries
  49. Understanding Values of Singaporeans: Does East Meet West?
  50. Culture and Personal Characteristics for Professional Success
  51. HRM in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean