All Stories

  1. Managing Service Systems with Unknown Quality and Customer Anecdotal Reasoning
  2. The Value of “Bespoke”: Demand Learning, Preference Learning, and Customer Behavior
  3. Managing Posterior Price Matching: The Role of Customer Boundedly Rational Expectations
  4. Strategic Capacity Management When Customers Have Boundedly Rational Expectations
  5. Service Systems with Experience-Based Anecdotal Reasoning Customers
  6. Sell Probabilistic Goods? A Behavioral Explanation for Opaque Selling
  7. Clickstream Data and Inventory Management: Model and Empirical Analysis
  8. Bounded Rationality in Service Systems
  9. The Promise of Strategic Customer Behavior: On the Value of Click Tracking
  10. Optimal control of a production-inventory system with both backorders and lost sales
  11. Bounded Rationality in Service Systems
  12. Optimal Control of a Production-Inventory System with Both Backorders and Lost Sales
  13. The Promise of Strategic Customer Behavior: On the Value of Click Tracking
  14. The Value of Clickstream Tracking: Advance Demand Information, Product Personalization and Personalized Pricing
  15. Clickstream Data and Inventory Management: Model and Empirical Analysis
  16. Is Capacity Rationing Optimal When Customers Use Anecdotal Reasoning?