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  1. Daytime ionospheric TEC weather study over Latin America
  2. TID Observations and Source Analysis During the 2017 Memorial Day Weekend Geomagnetic Storm Over North America
  3. Ionospheric Response to the Solar Eclipse of 21 August 2017 in Millstone Hill (42N) Observations
  4. An Investigation of the Ionospheric Disturbances Due to the 2014 Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events Over Brazilian Sector
  5. Investigations of conjugate MSTIDS over the Brazilian sector during daytime
  6. Observations of MSTIDs and possible seeding mechanism of AGW
  7. TEC variation during high and low solar activities over South American sector
  8. Low-latitude scintillation weakening during sudden stratospheric warming events
  9. Equatorial ionization anomaly variability over the Brazilian region during boreal sudden stratospheric warming events
  10. Atmospheric and ionospheric response to sudden stratospheric warming of January 2013
  11. GPS L1-Frequency Observations of Equatorial Scintillations and Irregularity Zonal Velocities