All Stories

  1. Plato’s Socrates, sophistic antithesis and scepticism
  2. God and Cosmos in Plato's Politicus 269c–270a and Aristotle
  3. Aristotle's God in Metaphysics 12.7
  4. The Role of Aristotle’s Metaphysics 12.9
  5. Aristotle’s Ever-turning World in <i>Physics</i> 8: Analysis and Commentary 
  6. Analytic Subdivision of Chapters
  7. General Introduction
  8. The Priority of Locomotion
  9. Indexes
  10. Physics 8: Complete Translation
  11. The Everlastingness of Movement
  12. Front Matter
  13. The Priority of Rotation
  14. Bibliography
  15. Defence against Three Objections
  16. The Everlasting Causes of Movement
  17. Redefined Inquiry into Movement and Rest
  18. The Universality of a Cause of Movement
  19. The First Mover and First Moved Body Again
  20. Unmoved First Causes of Movement
  21. The Unique Continuity of Rotation
  22. Terminology and Symbolism in the Analyses
  23. Political Technê: Plato and the Poets
  24. Review of T.M. Tuozzo Plato's Charmides
  25. Heavenly Soul in Aristotle
  26. Suffering and Ancient Therapy: Plato to Cicero
  28. Comic Metrical Signatures in Menander's Dyskolos
  29. Review of B. Wilke, Vergangenheit als Norm in der platonischen Staatsphilosophie
  30. Review of K. Sier, Die Rede der Diotima.
  31. Platonic Number in the Parmenides and Metaphysics XIII
  32. The Ever-Moving Soul in Plato's Phaedrus
  33. What in Plato's Crito is Benefited by Justice and Harmed by Injustice
  34. Plato’s Crito and the Common Good
  35. Wholes, Parts, and Sequences in Aristotle
  36. Proposed textual correction in Aristotle Metaph. 12.7, 1072b5-6
  37. Socrates and Platonic Models of Love