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  1. Descriptive and meta analysis of the simultaneous prompting procedure
  2. Coaching Teachers to Use a Simultaneous Prompting Procedure to Teach Core Content to Students With Autism
  3. Opinions of Turkish Parents and Teachers About Safety Skills Instruction to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Preliminary Investigation
  4. Mother-Delivered Social Stories and Video Modeling
  5. Otizm spektrum bozukluğu tanısı olan bireyler için sosyal öykülerin kullanımı
  6. Teaching children with autism how to respond to the lures of strangers
  7. Usando una demora de tiempo constante para enseñar habilidades de pasatiempo a niños con retardo en el desarrollo
  8. Does Treatment Integrity Matter in Promoting Learning Among Children With Developmental Disabilities?
  9. Small Group Instruction for Students With Autism
  10. A Comparison of Constant Time Delay and Simultaneous Prompting Within Embedded Instruction on Teaching Leisure Skills to Children With Autism
  11. Akranların Sunduğu Sabit Bekleme Süreli Öğretim Gelişimsel Geriliği Olan Öğrencilere Tanıtıcı Levhaların Öğretiminde Etkili midir?
  12. The Effects of Simultaneous Prompting on Teaching Expressive Identification of Objects: An instructive feedback study
  13. Zihinsel özürlü bireylere yiyecek hazırlama becerilerinin öğretimi ile ilgili alan yazın taraması
  14. The effects of simultaneous prompting on teaching receptively identifying occupations from picture cards
  15. Yanlışsız Öğretim Yöntemleri
  16. Karşılaştırmalı Tek-Denekli Araştırma Modelleri