All Stories

  1. Conceptions of time, socioeconomic development and cultural values
  2. A cross-national investigation into the effects of religion on national innovation
  3. An Analysis of the Effects of Cultural, Religious, and Linguistic Differences on International Trade
  4. An Analysis of the Socio-cultural Implications of Orality in Iran
  5. Culture and innovation: a human emancipation perspective
  6. Organizing cultural dimensions within and across six frameworks: A human development perspective
  7. An Examination of Business Applications and Implications of Emerging Technologies
  8. Orality, literacy and the “great divide” in cultural values
  9. A cross-national investigation into the effects of religion on gender equality
  10. An analysis of factors and conditions pertaining to the rise of the sharing economy
  11. Emerging social and business trends associated with the Covid-19 pandemic
  12. Salient cultural transformations in the age of globalization: implications for business and management
  13. A typology of sources, manifestations, and implications of environmental degradation
  14. An Analysis of Emerging Patterns of Consumption in the Age of Globalization and Digitalization
  15. A critical examination of the social impacts of large multinational corporations in the age of globalization
  16. An analysis of emerging trends and transformations in global healthcare
  17. Cultural modernization and work-related values and attitudes
  18. An examination of the conditions, characteristics and strategies pertaining to the rise of emerging markets multinationals
  19. Religiosity, socio-economic development and work values: a cross-national study
  20. A Weighted, Mahalanobian, and Asymmetrical Approach to Calculating National Cultural Distance
  21. Culture and corruption
  22. A Cross-National Investigation into the Effects of Religiosity on the Pervasiveness of Corruption
  23. A compound index of cultural dimensions: implications and applications
  24. An investigation into the cultural and religious determinants of national competitiveness
  25. A Review of “Globalization And Culture: Global MéLange”
  26. Culture and international trade: evidence from Canada
  27. A generic conceptualization of the cultural distance index
  28. The “Great Satan” talks with the “Evil”
  29. The effects of cultural orientations on preferred compensation policies
  30. Cultural values and gender gap: a cross‐national analysis
  31. Bridging culture and consumer value: towards an integrative framework
  33. An examination of human resource management practices in Iranian public sector
  34. Comprehending core cultural orientations of Iranian managers
  35. Conceptual Foundations of Cultural Management Research