All Stories

  1. Plant Operations and Product Recalls in the Automotive Industry: An Empirical Investigation
  2. Is Tom Cruise Threatened? An Empirical Study of the Impact of Product Variety on Demand Concentration
  3. Strategic Investment in Renewable Energy Sources: The Effect of Supply Intermittency
  4. The Operational Advantages of Threshold Discounting Offers
  5. Why some car manufacturers give you different warranties
  6. An Information Stock Model of Customer Behavior in Multichannel Customer Support Services
  7. Do switching Station Electric Vehicles work?
  8. Are Consumers Strategic? Structural Estimation from the Air-Travel Industry
  9. When Does the Devil Make Work? An Empirical Study of the Impact of Workload on Worker Productivity
  10. Managing Global Sourcing: Inventory Performance
  11. The Impact of New Product Introduction on Plant Productivity in the North American Automotive Industry
  12. OM Forum—Business Model Innovation for Sustainability
  13. Collaborative Cost Reduction and Component Procurement Under Information Asymmetry
  14. Impact of Performance-Based Contracting on Product Reliability: An Empirical Analysis
  15. Capacity Investment Timing by Start-ups and Established Firms in New Markets
  16. TECHNICAL NOTE—Robust Newsvendor Competition Under Asymmetric Information
  17. Contracting for Infrequent Restoration and Recovery of Mission-Critical Systems
  18. Revenue Management with Strategic Customers: Last-Minute Selling and Opaque Selling
  19. Long-Term Contracts Under the Threat of Supplier Default