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  1. Traumatic brain injury hinders learning of road hazard awareness by repeated exposure to video-based hazards.
  2. Direct and indirect measures of context in patients with mild-to-severe traumatic brain injury (TBI): The additive contribution of eye tracking
  3. Conceptual processes involved in words and scenes context effect in face recognition
  4. Anticipation Measures of Sequence Learning: Manual versus Oculomotor Versions of the Serial Reaction Time Task
  5. Clinical neuropsychology in Israel: history, training, practice and future challenges
  6. Eye Movement Performance on the Stroop Test in Adults With ADHD
  7. The effect of constant versus varied training on transfer in a cognitive skill learning task: The case of the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle
  8. In a context of time: the impact of delay and exposure time on the emergence of memory context effects
  9. Verbal learning across the lifespan: an analysis of the components of the learning curve
  10. The effect of age-at-testing on verbal memory among children following severe traumatic brain injury
  11. Age differences in cognitive skill learning, retention and transfer: The case of the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle
  12. Predicting long-term outcome following traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  13. Probabilistic category learning in developmental dyslexia: Evidence from feedback and paired-associate weather prediction tasks.
  14. The Counterintuitive Relationship between Conceptual and Perceptual Similarities and Eyewitness Suggestibility
  15. Taxonomy of moderators that govern explicit memory in individuals with intellectual disability: Integrative research review
  16. A deficit in optimizing task solution but robust and well-retained speed and accuracy gains in complex skill acquisition in Parkinson׳s disease: Multi-session training on the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle
  17. Baseline performance and learning rate of conceptual and perceptual skill-learning tasks: The effect of moderate to severe traumatic brain injury
  18. Episodic temporal structure modulates associative recognition processes: An MEG study
  19. Deficit in implicit motor sequence learning among children and adolescents with spastic Cerebral Palsy
  20. Environmental context effects on episodic memory are dependent on retrieval mode and modulated by neuropsychological status
  21. Premorbid personality characteristics and attachment style moderate the effect of injury severity on occupational outcome in traumatic brain injury: Another aspect of reserve
  22. Cognitive Reserve Components as Expressed in Traumatic Brain Injury
  23. The dual effect of context on memory of related and unrelated themes: Discrimination at encoding and cue at retrieval
  24. Verbal learning and memory as measured by the Rey-Auditory Verbal Learning Test: ADHD with and without learning disabilities
  25. Dissociation between the procedural learning of letter names and motor sequences in developmental dyslexia
  26. Inside out: A neuro-behavioral signature of free recall dynamics
  27. Unitization and temporality in associative memory: Evidence from modulation of context effects
  28. Dissociation between online and offline learning in developmental dyslexia
  29. Solving the Raven Progressive Matrices by adults with intellectual disability with/without Down syndrome: Different cognitive patterns as indicated by eye-movements
  30. Neuropsychological assessment: Principles, rationale, and challenges
  31. Aging and temporal order memory: A comparison of direct and indirect measures
  32. Attentional requirements during acquisition and consolidation of a skill in normal readers and developmental dyslexics.
  33. Which verbal fluency measure is most useful in demonstrating executive deficits after traumatic brain injury?
  34. Analogies solving by individuals with and without intellectual disability: Different cognitive patterns as indicated by eye movements
  35. Meta‐analysis of explicit memory studies in populations with intellectual disability
  36. Is C-reactive protein level a marker of advanced motor and neuropsychiatric complications in Parkinson’s disease?
  37. Probing the Brain Substrates of Cognitive Processes Responsible for Context Effects on Recognition Memory
  38. Normative Data for Composite Scores for Children and Adults Derived from the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test
  39. Developmental differences in the impact of contextual factors on susceptibility to retroactive interference
  40. Interrelations Between Attention and Verbal Memory as Affected by Developmental Age
  41. Developmental Changes in Attention Tests Norms: Implications for the Structure of Attention
  42. Forgotten but not gone: Context effects on recognition do not require explicit memory for context
  43. A shift in task routines during the learning of a motor skill: Group-averaged data may mask critical phases in the individuals' acquisition of skilled performance.
  44. Multifactorial context effects on visual recognition memory
  45. Educational Level as a Modulator of Cognitive Performance and Neuropsychyatric Features in Parkinson Disease
  46. Plasma Homocysteine Levels and Parkinson Disease
  47. Basal Forebrain Amnesia
  48. The Effect of Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) on Different Aspects of Memory:A Selective Review
  49. Symptom Checklist-90 Revised Scores in Persons With Traumatic Brain Injury: Affective Reactions or Neurobehavioral Outcomes of the Injury?
  50. Presymptomatic Signs in Healthy CJD Mutation Carriers
  51. Dissociation Between Two Types of Skill Learning Tasks: The Differential Effect of Divided Attention
  52. Dissociation Between Two Types of Skill Learning Tasks: The Differential Effect of Divided Attention
  53. The role of the cerebral hemispheres in specific versus abstract priming
  54. Characterization of Memory Impairment Following Closed-Head Injury in Children Using the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT)
  55. Differential Effect of Right and Left Basal Ganglionic Infarctions on Procedural Learning
  56. Unawareness of Cognitive Deficits and Daily Functioning Among Persons With Traumatic Brain Injuries
  57. The Effect of Aging on Script Memory for Typical and Atypical Actions
  58. Comparison Between Three Memory Tests: Cued Recall, Priming and Saving Closed-Head Injured Patients and Controls
  59. Script memory for typical and atypical actions: controls versus patients with severe closed-head injury
  60. Impaired skill learning in patients with severe closed-head injury as demonstrated by the serial reaction time (SRT) task
  61. Comparison of the predictive power of socio-economic variables, severity of injury and age on long-term outcome of traumatic brain injury: sample-specific variables versus factors as predictors
  62. Declarative and Nondeclarative Sequence Learning Tasks: Closed-Head Injured Patients Versus Control Participants
  63. The effect of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) on implicit memory: skill learning and perceptual priming in patients with major depression
  64. Criterion Validation of Premorbid Intelligence Estimation in Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury: “Hold/Don't Hold” versus “Best Performance” Procedures
  65. Motor and non-motor sequence learning in patients with basal ganglia lesions: the case of serial reaction time (SRT)
  66. Rey AVLT: Developmental Norms for Children and the Sensitivity of Different Memory Measures to Age
  67. Medical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral outcomes in school-age children conceived by In-Vitro Fertilization
  68. Active Versus Passive Procedural Learning in Older and Younger Adults
  69. Declarative and Procedural Learning in Parkinson's Disease Patients Having Tremor or Bradykinesia as the Predominant Symptom
  70. Rey AVLT: Developmental norms for adults and the sensitivity of different memory measures to age
  71. Indirect influence on modality on direct memory for words and their modality: Closed-head-injured and control participants.
  72. Procedural and Declarative Memory Processes: Individuals With and Without Mend Retardation
  73. Indirect influence on modality on direct memory for words and their modality: Closed-head-injured and control participants.
  74. Direct and Indirect Memory Measures of Temporal Order: Younger versus Older Adults
  75. Word Recall versus Reading Speed: Evidence of Preserved Priming in Head-Injured Patients
  76. The Stroop Color‐Word task as a measure of selective attention: Efficiency in the elderly
  77. Direct and indirect measures of contextual information: Older versus young adult subjects
  78. Stroop color-word task as a measure of selective attention: Efficiency in closed-head-injured patients
  79. Clinical neuropsychology and brain injury rehabilitation in Israel: A twenty-year perspective
  80. Head-injured patients and control group: Implicit versus explicit measures of frequency of occurrence
  81. A supplementary measure in the Rey AVLT for assessing incidental learning of temporal order
  82. Rey auditory-verbal learning test: Structure analysis
  83. Impaired learning in patients with closed-head injuries: An analysis of components of the acquisition process.
  84. Behavioural psychotherapy of the frontal-lobe-injured patient in an outpatient setting
  85. Impaired learning in patients with closed-head injuries: An analysis of components of the acquisition process.
  86. Outcome of different treatment mixes in a multidimensional neuropsychological rehabilitation program.
  87. Relative importance of informational units and their role in long-term recall by closed-head-injured patients and control groups.
  88. Relative importance of informational units and their role in long-term recall by closed-head-injured patients and control groups.
  89. Automatic temporal order judgment: The effect of intentionality of retrieval on closed-head-injured patients
  90. Breakdowns in Everyday Memory Functioning Following Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  91. The Influence of Learning Instructions on the CE: Immediate and Delayed Testing
  92. Eli Eli / Eli Eli