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  1. An investigation of the interrelationships of leadership styles, psychological safety, thriving at work, and work engagement in the hotel industry: A sequential mediation model
  2. Test of a serial mediation model of Machiavellian leadership among hospitality and tourism employees
  3. Corporate social responsibility, workplace spirituality and their effects on green promotive and prohibitive voice behaviours
  4. The effect of employee recognition on restaurant employees’ job embeddedness, knowledge sharing and service orientation: abusive supervision as a moderator
  5. Green human resource management, job embeddedness and their effects on restaurant employees’ green voice behaviors
  6. Industry 4.0 technologies, sustainable operations practices and their impacts on sustainable performance
  7. Test of a sequential mediation model of green management innovation
  8. Job crafting and critical work-related performance outcomes among cabin attendants: Sequential mediation impacts of calling orientation and work engagement
  9. The Effects of Job Insecurity, Emotional Exhaustion, and Met Expectations on Hotel Employees’ Pro-Environmental Behaviors: Test of a Serial Mediation Model
  10. The effect of abusive supervision on turnover intentions: on-the-job embeddedness versus traditional attitudinal constructs
  11. Outcomes of servant leadership among flight attendants: test of parallel and serial multiple mediating effects
  12. Sustainable recovery for people and the planet through spirituality-induced connectedness in the hospitality and tourism industry
  13. Qualitative job insecurity, emotional exhaustion and their effects on hotel employees’ job embeddedness: The moderating role of perceived organizational support
  14. Leader–member exchange, work–family enrichment and their effects on mental health: the moderating role of remote e-work
  15. Does a highly standardized international advertising campaign contribute to the enhancement of destination image? Evidence from Turkey
  16. The effects of green human resource management and perceived organizational support for the environment on green and non-green hotel employee outcomes
  17. Ethical leadership, trust in organization and their impacts on critical hotel employee outcomes
  18. The effects of relational and psychological capital on work engagement: the mediation of learning goal orientation
  20. Management commitment to the ecological environment, green work engagement and their effects on hotel employees’ green work outcomes
  21. Does work engagement mediate the impact of green human resource management on absenteeism and green recovery performance?
  22. Do Personality Variables Predict Job Embeddedness and Proclivity to Be Absent from Work?
  23. The effects of on-the-job embeddedness and its sub-dimensions on small-sized hotel employees’ organizational commitment, work engagement and turnover intentions
  24. Leader knowledge hiding, feedback avoidance and hotel employee outcomes: a moderated mediation model
  25. Sense of calling, emotional exhaustion and their effects on hotel employees’ green and non-green work outcomes
  26. Green human resource management, perceived green organizational support and their effects on hotel employees’ behavioral outcomes
  27. The effect of servant leadership on hotel employees’ behavioral consequences: Work engagement versus job satisfaction
  28. Corrigendum to “Does work engagement mediate the effects of challenge stressors on job outcomes? Evidence from the hotel industry” [Int. J. Hosp. Manag. 36 (2014) 14-22,]
  29. Does Job Embeddedness Mediate the Effect of Resilience on Cabin Attendants’ Career Satisfaction and Creative Performance?
  30. Informal learning, work engagement and their effects on work-family enrichment
  31. COVID-19, mental health problems, and their detrimental effects on hotel employees’ propensity to be late for work, absenteeism, and life satisfaction
  32. Servant leadership and work-family enrichment among hotel employees in Russia
  33. Does employee engagement mediate the influence of psychological contract breach on pro-environmental behaviors and intent to remain with the organization in the hotel industry?
  34. A Conceptual Model for Green Human Resource Management: Indicators, Differential Pathways, and Multiple Pro-Environmental Outcomes
  35. Does climate for creativity mediate the impact of servant leadership on management innovation and innovative behavior in the hotel industry?
  36. Job insecurity, work engagement and their effects on hotel employees’ non-green and nonattendance behaviors
  37. Attitudinal and behavioral outcomes of work-life balance among hotel employees: The mediating role of psychological contract breach
  38. Does servant leadership better explain work engagement, career satisfaction and adaptive performance than authentic leadership?
  39. Applying Health Belief Model to Unveil Employees’ Workplace COVID-19 Protective Behaviors: Insights for the Hospitality Industry
  40. Investigating the selected consequences of boreout among cabin crew
  41. Work social support, work engagement and their impacts on multiple performance outcomes
  42. Does optimism mediate the influence of work-life balance on hotel salespeople’s life satisfaction and creative performance?
  43. Is political skill really an antidote in the workplace incivility-emotional exhaustion and outcome relationship in the hotel industry?
  44. The effects of supervisor support and self-efficacy on call center employees’ work engagement and quitting intentions
  45. The effect of job insecurity on employees’ job outcomes: the mediating role of job embeddedness
  46. The effects of nonwork and personal resources on frontline bank employees’ work engagement and critical job outcomes
  47. Outcomes of workplace ostracism among restaurant employees
  48. Got political skill?
  49. Unraveling the black box
  50. Nurses’ Perceptions of Job Embeddedness in Public Hospitals
  51. Internal marketing practices, genuine emotions and their effects on hotel employees’ customer-oriented behaviors
  52. The impact of job insecurity on critical hotel employee outcomes: The mediating role of self-efficacy
  53. Does trust in organization mediate the influence of servant leadership on satisfaction outcomes among flight attendants?
  54. Do Gender and Prior Experience Moderate the Factors Influencing Attitude toward Using Social Media for Festival Attendance?
  55. Test of an integrative model of travel-related social media users’ switching intentions
  56. Frontline hotel employees’ psychological capital, trust in organization, and their effects on nonattendance intentions, absenteeism, and creative performance
  57. Stressors, work engagement and their effects on hotel employee outcomes
  58. The effects of organizational and personal resources on stress, engagement, and job outcomes
  59. Servant leadership, organisational trust, and bank employee outcomes
  60. Does positive affectivity moderate the effect of burnout on job outcomes? An empirical investigation among hotel employees
  61. Antecedents and outcomes of job insecurity among salespeople
  62. Linking resources to career satisfaction through work–family enrichment
  63. High-performance work practices and hotel employee outcomes
  64. An exploration of the factors influencing social media continuance usage and information sharing intentions among Korean travellers
  65. The effects of psychological capital and work engagement on nurses’ lateness attitude and turnover intentions
  66. Test of a mediation model of psychological capital among hotel salespeople
  67. Outcomes of job crafting among flight attendants
  68. Work engagement and turnover intentions
  69. Does hotel employees’ quality of work life mediate the effect of psychological capital on job outcomes?
  70. Psychological contract breach and service innovation behavior: psychological capital as a mediator
  71. An examination of the consequences of corporate social responsibility in the airline industry: Work engagement, career satisfaction, and voice behavior
  72. The mediating role of work engagement in the relationship between high-performance work practices and job outcomes of employees in Nigeria
  73. Leader political skill and casino dealer morale: the mediating role of follower perceptions of leader–member exchange
  74. The effects of work social support and career adaptability on career satisfaction and turnover intentions
  75. Service employees’ fit, work-family conflict, and work engagement
  76. An empirical investigation of psychological capital among flight attendants
  77. The effects of organization mission fulfillment and perceived organizational support on job performance
  78. Test of a mediational model of organization mission fulfillment: evidence from the hotel industry
  79. Does job embeddedness mediate the effects of coworker and family support on creative performance? An empirical study in the hotel industry
  80. Investigating the impact of customer orientation on innovativeness: evidence from born-global firms in Turkey
  81. The Effect of Psychological Climate on Job Outcomes: Evidence from the Airline Industry
  82. Do psychological capital and work engagement foster frontline employees’ satisfaction?
  83. High-Performance Work Practices, Perceived Organizational Support, and Their Effects on Job Outcomes: Test of a Mediational Model
  84. Does Manager Support Reduce the Effect of Work–Family Conflict on Emotional Exhaustion and Turnover Intentions?
  85. High-performance work practices, career satisfaction, and service recovery performance: a study of flight attendants
  86. Do personal resources mediate the effect of perceived organizational support on emotional exhaustion and job outcomes?
  87. Gender-choice behavior linkages: an investigation in the hospitality industry
  88. The effect of psychological capital on conflicts in the work–family interface, turnover and absence intentions
  89. The effects of perceived crowding, emotional dissonance, and emotional exhaustion on critical job outcomes: A study of ground staff in the airline industry
  90. Hope, Work Engagement, and Organizationally Valued Performance Outcomes: An Empirical Study in the Hotel Industry
  91. The effects of high-performance work practices and job embeddedness on flight attendants' performance outcomes
  92. The Effects of High-Performance Work Practices on Perceived Organizational Support and Turnover Intentions: Evidence from the Airline Industry
  93. Exploring the Role of Organizational and Personal Resources in Explaining Nurse Performance in Public Hospitals in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
  94. Linking core self-evaluations and work engagement to work-family facilitation
  95. The relationship between customer-related social stressors and job outcomes: the mediating role of emotional exhaustion
  96. Does work engagement mediate the effects of challenge stressors on job outcomes? Evidence from the hotel industry
  97. The Importance of Supervisor Support for Effective Hotel Employees
  98. High‐performance work practices, work social support and their effects on job embeddedness and turnover intentions
  99. The Effects of Work–Family Conflict and Facilitation on Turnover Intentions: The Moderating Role of Core Self-Evaluations
  100. The effect of job resourcefulness on role stress, emotional exhaustion and overall performance: A study of frontline bank employees
  101. The effects of work overload and work‐family conflict on job embeddedness and job performance
  102. Correlates of Nonwork and Work Satisfaction Among Hotel Employees: Implications for Managers
  103. High-performance work practices and hotel employee performance: The mediation of work engagement
  104. Perceptions of organizational politics and hotel employee outcomes
  105. Does hope moderate the impact of job burnout on frontline bank employees’ in‐role and extra‐role performances?
  106. Hotel Employee Work Engagement Questionnaire
  107. Who Is Likely to Quit Nursing Jobs? A Study in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
  108. Does Work Engagement Mediate the Effect of Polychronicity on Performance Outcomes? A Study in the Hospitality Industry in Northern Cyprus
  109. Inking Perceived Ethical Climate to Performance Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Job Embeddedness
  110. Work Engagement as a Mediator of the Effects of Personality Traits on Job Outcomes: A Study of Frontline Employees
  111. Perceived Ethical Climate and Hotel Employee Outcomes: An Empirical Investigation in Nigeria
  112. The effect of management commitment to service quality on job embeddedness and performance outcomes
  113. Perceived organizational support, career satisfaction, and performance outcomes
  114. Job Embeddedness as a Moderator of the Impact of Organisational Justice on Turnover Intentions: a Study in Iran
  115. Does Job Embeddedness Mediate the Effect of Work Engagement on Job Outcomes? A Study of Hotel Employees in Cameroon
  116. Affectivity and organizational politics as antecedents of burnout among frontline hotel employees
  117. Does Customer Orientation Mediate the Effect of Job Resourcefulness on Hotel Employee Outcomes? Evidence from Iran
  118. Work-Related Depression in Frontline Service Jobs in the Hospitality Industry: Evidence from Iran
  119. Job Resources, Work Engagement, and Hotel Employee Outcomes: A Time-Lagged Analysis
  120. Job Resources, Work Engagement, and Hotel Employee Outcomes: A Time-Lagged Analysis
  121. Procedural Justice, Work Engagement, and Job Outcomes: Evidence from Nigeria
  122. Core self-evaluations, exhaustion, and job outcomes: A study of frontline hotel employees in Iran
  123. The Effects of Coworker and Perceived Organizational Support on Hotel Employee Outcomes
  124. Work‐related depression in the hotel industry: a study in the United Arab Emirates
  125. Efficacy of Job and Personal Resources across Psychological and Behavioral Outcomes in the Hotel Industry
  126. Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: The Moderating Role of Gender
  127. Customer Aggression, Emotional Exhaustion, and Hotel Employee Outcomes: A Study in the United Arab Emirates
  128. Do customer orientation and job resourcefulness moderate the impact of interrole conflicts on frontline employees’ performance?
  129. Do job resources moderate the effect of emotional dissonance on burnout?
  130. Job Resourcefulness as a Moderator of the Work-Family Conflict — Job Satisfaction Relationship: A Study of Hotel Employees in Nigeria
  131. Relative efficacy of organizational support and personality traits in predicting service recovery and job performances: a study of frontline employees in Turkey
  132. The effect of positive and negative work‐family interaction on exhaustion
  133. The impacts of core self-evaluations on customer-related social stressors and emotional exhaustion
  134. The effect of positive and negative work-family interaction on exhaustion: does work social support make a difference?
  135. Do Core Self-Evaluations Mediate the Effect of Coworker Support on Work Engagement? A Study of Hotel Employees in Iran
  136. An Investigation of the Role of Job Resources in Mitigating Customer-Related Social Stressors and Emotional Exhaustion
  137. Role Stress, Emotional Exhaustion, and Turnover Intentions: Does Organizational Tenure in Hotels Matter?
  138. The effects of job and personal resources on hotel employees’ work engagement
  139. The Effects of Involvement and Social Support on Frontline Employee Outcomes: Evidence From the Albanian Hotel Industry
  140. Emotional dissonance and emotional exhaustion among hotel employees in Nigeria
  141. Outcomes of customer verbal aggression among hotel employees
  142. The effects of two directions of conflict and facilitation on frontline employees’ job outcomes
  143. An Investigation of the Joint Effects of Organisational Tenure and Supervisor Support on Work-Family Conflict and Turnover Intentions
  144. Antecedents and outcomes of work–family facilitation and family–work facilitation among frontline hotel employees
  145. The Effects of Job Demands, Job Resources and Intrinsic Motivation on Emotional Exhaustion and Turnover Intentions: A Study in the Turkish Hotel Industry
  146. Erratum
  147. An Examination of the Selected Antecedents and Outcomes of Work-Family Conflict and Family-Work Conflict in Frontline Service Jobs
  148. Supervisor Support, Work-Family Conflict, and Satisfaction Outcomes: An Empirical Study in the Hotel Industry
  149. Work-Family Conflict and Facilitation in the Hotel Industry
  150. Attitudinal and behavioral consequences of work‐family conflict and family‐work conflict
  151. Affectivity, conflicts in the work–family interface, and hotel employee outcomes
  152. Role stress, burnout and their effects on frontline hotel employees' job performance: evidence from Northern Cyprus
  153. Work-family conflict and facilitation: implications for hospitality researchers
  154. Conflict, exhaustion, and motivation: A study of frontline employees in Northern Cyprus hotels
  155. The Impact of Self-Efficacy on Job Outcomes of Hotel Employees
  156. The Effects of Customer Orientation and Job Resources on Frontline Employees' Job Outcomes
  157. Relationships of supervisor support and conflicts in the work–family interface with the selected job outcomes of frontline employees
  158. Supervisor Support and Work–family Conflict Model Questionnaire
  159. An empirical study of the selected consequences of frontline employees’ work–family conflict and family–work conflict
  160. Does gender moderate the effects of role stress in frontline service jobs?
  161. The effects of selected individual characteristics on frontline employee performance and job satisfaction
  162. The effects of work role and family role variables on psychological and behavioral outcomes of frontline employees
  163. The effects of work‐family conflict, emotional exhaustion, and intrinsic motivation on job outcomes of front‐line employees
  164. Customer complaints and organizational responses: the effects of complainants’ perceptions of justice on satisfaction and loyalty
  165. The effects of selected antecedents on the service recovery performance of frontline employees
  166. Measuring service quality of banks: Scale development and validation
  167. Measuring Marketing Culture
  168. The effects of organizational responses to complaints on satisfaction and loyalty: a study of hotel guests in Northern Cyprus
  169. Customer Complaints and Organizational Responses: A Study of Hotel Guests in Northern Cyprus
  170. Measuring service quality of travel agents: evidence from Northern Cyprus
  171. Effects of Job Standardization and Job Satisfaction on Service Quality
  172. Antecedents and outcomes of service recovery performance: an empirical study of frontline employees in Turkish banks
  173. The Effect of Management Commitment to Service Quality on Employees' Affective and Performance Outcomes
  174. The Measurement of Job Satisfaction
  176. Measuring Service Quality in the Hotel Industry: Evidences from Northern Cyprus
  177. Work-family conflict and facilitation: implications for hospitality researchers