All Stories

  1. Problematizing markets: market failures and the government of collective concerns
  2. Selling the sociotechnical sublime: critical reflections on introducing STS to managers of a Chilean mining corporation
  3. Caring for waste: Handling tailings in a Chilean copper mine
  4. A failed platform: The Citizen Consensus Conference travels to Chile
  5. Normalizing Transantiago: On the challenges (and limits) of repairing infrastructures
  6. Policy assemblages: proposing an alternative conceptual framework to study public action
  7. ‘Because in Chile [carbon] markets work!’ Exploring an experimental implementation of an emissions trading scheme to deal with industrial air pollution in Santiago
  8. The Shelter that Wasn’t There: On the Politics of Co-ordinating Multiple Urban Assemblages in Santiago, Chile
  9. Waiting for the Barbarians: disciplinary devices on Metro de Santiago
  10. Manejando por Santiago: Explorando el uso de automóviles por parte de habitantes de bajos ingresos desde una óptica de movilidad sustentable
  11. To Move or Not to Move? Social Exclusion, Accessibility and Daily Mobility among the Low‐income Population in Santiago, Chile
  12. Mobilising Poverty?: Mobile Phone Use and Everyday Spatial Mobility Among Low-Income Families in Santiago, Chile
  13. Noise and the Battles for Space: Mediated Noise and Everyday Life in a Social Housing Estate in Santiago, Chile
  14. Domesticating Homes: Material Transformation and Decoration among Low-Income Families in Santiago, Chile