All Stories

  1. Emerging programmed aging mechanisms and their medical implications
  2. Solving the Programmed/Non-Programmed Aging Conundrum
  3. Is the Evolutionary Programmed/ Non-programmed Aging Argument Moot?
  4. Modern evolutionary mechanics theories and resolving the programmed/non-programmed aging controversy
  5. Aging Theories and the Zero-Sum Game
  6. Arguments against non-programmed aging theories
  7. On the programmed/non-programmed aging controversy
  8. The case for programmed mammal aging
  9. Mammal aging: Active and passive mechanisms and their medical implications
  10. Evolvability and Programmed Aging: A Reply to de Grey
  11. Aging, evolvability, and the individual benefit requirement; medical implications of aging theory controversies
  12. Aging as an evolved characteristic – Weismann’s theory reconsidered