All Stories

  1. Exploring the Bioactivity of Soil Streptomyces sp. BACSAS14: An In Vitro and In Silico Approach
  2. Purification of Bacteriocin from Lactobacillus plantarum KY449289 and its Role in the Preservation of Mixed Fruit Juice
  3. Marine Streptomyces sp. VITASP as a Source of New Bioactive Secondary Metabolites
  4. Screening for Extracellular Enzymes from Actinomycetes Isolated from Agricultural Soils of Kolathur, Tamil Nadu, India
  5. Fibrinolytic Protease from Marine Streptomyces rubiginosus VITPSS1
  6. A Brief Review on Invasive Aspergillosis and the Host Immune Response and the Target Drugs
  7. Exploring the Bioactive Potential of Carica papaya
  8. Potential application of immobilized streptokinase extracted from Streptococcus equinus VIT_VB2
  9. In vitro Thrombolytic Potential of Actinoprotease from Marine Streptomyces violaceus VITYGM
  10. Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Oxidant Property of Streptomyces laurentii VITMPS Isolated from Marine Soil
  11. Fermentation of Beet Juice Using Lactic Acid Bacteria and its Cytotoxic Activity Against Human Liver Cancer Cell Lines HepG2
  12. Extraction of Nattokinase Enzyme from Bacillus cereus Isolated from Rust
  13. NGA- A Novel Hypothetical Drug Model: Combinatorial Approach to Multifactorial Alzheimer’s Disease
  14. Production, Purification and Stability Studies on Nattokinase: A Therapeutic Protein Extracted from Mutant Pseudomonas aeruginosa CMSS Isolated from Bovine Milk
  15. Fibrinolytic Actinokinase-A Short Review
  16. Binding and molecular dynamic studies of sesquiterpenes (2R-acetoxymethyl-1,3,3-trimethyl-4t-(3-methyl-2-buten-1-yl)-1t-cyclohexanol) derived from marine Streptomyces sp. VITJS8 as potential anticancer agent
  17. Exploring the In Vitro Thrombolytic Activity of Nattokinase From a New Strain Pseudomonas aeruginosa CMSS
  18. Exploring the Anticancer Activity of Grape Seed Extract on Skin Cancer Cell Lines A431
  19. Development of a Novel Malarial Vaccine Design: A Hypothetical Approach
  20. Immobilization of β-galactosidase from Lactobacillus plantarum HF571129 on ZnO nanoparticles: characterization and lactose hydrolysis
  21. Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activity of MarineStreptomyces parvulus VITJS11 Crude Extract
  22. Bioactive Potential of Marine Derived Strain Streptomyces brasiliensis VITJS9 Isolated from South East Coast of Tamil Nadu, India
  23. Thermostable lipase from novelPseudomonassp. VITSDVM1 isolated from bovine milk
  24. Bio prospecting of marine-derived Streptomyces spectabilis VITJS10 and exploring its cytotoxicity against human liver cancer cell lines
  25. Production and partial purification of antifungal chitinase from Bacillus cereus VITSD3
  26. Exploring the in vitro thrombolytic potential of streptokinase-producing β-hemolytic Streptococci isolated from bovine milk
  27. In vitro thrombolytic activity of purified streptokinase extracted from Streptococcus equinus VIT_VB2 isolated from bovine milk
  28. Fermentative production of dextran using Leuconostoc spp. isolated from fermented food products
  29. A Review on Chikungunya and Suggesting a Hypothesis of Nano-based Drug Delivery
  30. Liposome mediated drug delivery for leukocyte adhesion deficieny I (LAD I): Targeting the mutated gene ITGB2 and expression of CD18 protein
  31. Strain improvement and optimization studies for enhanced production of erythromycin in bagasse based medium using Saccharopolyspora erythraea MTCC 1103
  32. Screening and molecular characterization of Serratia marcescens VITSD2: A strain producing optimum serratiopeptidase
  33. Studies on heavy metal removal efficiency and antibacterial activity of chitosan prepared from shrimp shell waste
  34. Enhanced production of nattokinase from UV mutated Bacillus sp.
  35. Bioelicitation of secondary metabolites in in vitro cultures of Gymnema sylvestre R.Br.
  36. In vitro Propagation of Gymnema sylvestre
  37. Gymnemic Acid Production in Suspension Cell Cultures of Gymnema sylvestre
  38. Studies on Various Atmospheric Microorganisms Affecting the Plant Tissue Culture Explants