All Stories

  1. When Recommender Systems Snoop into Social Media, Users Trust them Less for Health Advice
  2. Is this AI trained on Credible Data? The Effects of Labeling Quality and Performance Bias on User Trust
  3. What Do You Get from Turning on Your Video? Effects of Videoconferencing Affordances on Remote Class Experience During COVID-19
  4. Alexa as an Active Listener: How Backchanneling Can Elicit Self-Disclosure and Promote User Experience
  5. Designing for Responsible Trust in AI Systems: A Communication Perspective
  6. User Trust in Recommendation Systems: A comparison of Content-Based, Collaborative and Demographic Filtering
  7. News Informatics: Engaging Individuals with Data-Rich News Content through Interactivity in Source, Medium, and Message
  8. Exploring the Effects of Interactive Dialogue in Improving User Control for Explainable Online Symptom Checkers
  9. Should Siri be a Source or Medium for Ads? The Role of Source Orientation and User Motivations in User Responses to Persuasive Content from Voice Assistants
  10. #facebookdown: Time to panic or detox? Understanding users’ reactions to social media outage
  11. Do You Feel Special When an AI Doctor Remembers You? Individuation Effects of AI vs. Human Doctors on User Experience
  12. Does Clickbait Actually Attract More Clicks? Three Clickbait Studies You Must Read
  13. How Should AI Systems Talk to Users when Collecting their Personal Information? Effects of Role Framing and Self-Referencing on Human-AI Interaction
  14. Will You Log into Tinder using your Facebook Account? Adoption of Single Sign-On for Privacy-Sensitive Apps
  15. Will Deleting History Make Alexa More Trustworthy?
  16. Alexa as Coach: Leveraging Smart Speakers to Build Social Agents that Reduce Public Speaking Anxiety
  17. Online Privacy Heuristics that Predict Information Disclosure
  18. Machine Heuristic
  19. What Happens When You Click and Drag: Unpacking the Relationship between On-Screen Interaction and User Engagement with an Anti-Smoking Website
  20. Interface Cues to Promote Disclosure and Build Community
  21. Without a Trace
  22. Can Mobile Apps Motivate Fitness Tracking? A Study of Technological Affordances and Workout Behaviors
  23. This App Would Like to Use Your Current Location to Better Serve You
  24. Message Credibility
  25. Mental models of robots among senior citizens
  26. Theoretical Importance of Contingency in Human-Computer Interaction
  27. Cosmetic Customization of Mobile Phones: Cultural Antecedents, Psychological Correlates
  28. I feel for my avatar
  29. Unlocking the privacy paradox
  30. Balancing human agency and object agency
  31. Interactivity as self-expression
  32. Personal Relevance Versus Contextual Relevance
  33. Using interface cues in online health community boards to change impressions and encourage user contribution
  34. What drives customization?