All Stories

  1. Reducing Wildlife Damage with Cost-Effective Management Programmes
  2. Future-proofing weed management for the effects of climate change: is New Zealand underestimating the risk of increased plant invasions?
  3. Emerging threats in urban ecosystems: a horizon scanning exercise
  4. Protecting trees at an individual level provides insufficient safeguard for urban forests
  5. Supplementary feeding restructures urban bird communities
  6. Re-forestation restores native dominance in an island beetle fauna
  7. Evolution of tolerance in an invasive weed after reassociation with its specialist herbivore
  8. Impact of reassociation with a coevolved herbivore on oviposition deterrence in a hostplant
  9. Predicting plant invasions under climate change: are species distribution models validated by field trials?
  10. Does Elevated Temperature and Doubled CO 2 Increase Growth of Three Potentially Invasive Plants?
  11. Fatal attraction: sexually cannibalistic invaders attract naive native mantids
  12. Cannibalistic siblicide in praying mantis nymphs (Miomantis caffra)
  13. Feral pigs in a temperate rainforest ecosystem: disturbance and ecological impacts
  14. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence: Feral pigs as vectors of soil-borne pathogens
  15. Invasive interactions: can Argentine ants indirectly increase the reproductive output of a weed?
  16. Impacts of Argentine ants on invertebrate communities with below-ground consequences
  17. Site occupancy and detection probability of Argentine ant populations
  18. Assessing the risk of invasive ants: a simple and flexible scorecard approach
  19. Selection for chemical trait remixing in an invasive weed after reassociation with a coevolved specialist
  20. Relative Attractiveness of Baits to Paratrechina longicornis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
  21. Avian fruit consumption and seed dispersal in a temperate Australian woodland
  23. Homing in the Skink, Oligosoma grande, within a Fragmented Habitat
  24. Environmental weeds in New Zealand: impacts and management