All Stories

  1. Švejk, Jan Dítě, Samko Tále and the First Thai Adaptation of the (Not So) Good Soldier Sha-Wake: Transnational Significance of the “Small” and “Childlike” Characters in Czech and Slovak Literature
  2. ’...and Miraculously Post-Modern Became Ost-Modern’: How On or About 1910 and 1924 Karel Čapek Helped to Add and Strike off the ‘P’
  3. Translating and Transcending Censors: Modernist Appropriation and Thematisation of Censorship in the Works of Virginia Woolf, Allen Ginsberg, Czesław Miłosz and Bohumil Hrabal
  4. From ‘God Builders’ to ‘Devil Workers'
  5. Transnarodowy modernizm a problem temporalnej spacjalizacji w Budowie chińskiego muru Franza Kafki
  6. Modernism Today
  7. “A Most Bewildering and Whirligig State of Mind”: Alternative Utopian Space in Virginia Woolf’s Orlando
  8. Defamiliarising the Slovak “Imagined Community” in Samko Tále’s Cemetery Book
  9. ‘Martin was in the jungle alone, and the sun was sinking’: The Weather, Culture and Identity in Virginia Woolf’s The Years
  10. “It was an Uncertain Spring”
  11. "Unleashing the Underdog": Technology of Place in Virginia Woolf's Flush
  12. “But That is Perhaps Why I Can Talk of Where I Want to Be without Always Being Dragged Back to My Starting Point”: Rethinking and Re(-)Membering Czech and Slovak Histories of Violence and Dissidence through the Historical “Infranovel” (Verita Sriratana)