All Stories

  1. A point-process model of tapping along to difficult rhythms
  2. Audio analysis reveals mutual associations between clients’ and therapists’ vocal timbres in Guided Imagery and Music sessions
  3. Emotional responses in Papua New Guinea show negligible evidence for a universal effect of major versus minor music
  4. Exploring older adult needs and preferences for technology-assisted group music-making. A qualitative analysis of data collected during the participatory user-centred design process
  5. Evidence for a universal association of auditory roughness with musical dissonance
  6. Music Perception Abilities and Ambiguous Word Learning: Is There Cross-Domain Transfer in Nonmusicians?
  7. Emotional responses in Papua New Guinea show negligible evidence for a universal effect of major versus minor music
  8. Evaluative conditioning of responses to unfamiliar chords by exposure to valenced images
  9. New musical interfaces for older adults in residential care: assessing a user-centred design approach
  10. The effects of rhythmic structure on tapping accuracy
  11. The perceptual relevance of balance, evenness, and entropy in musical rhythms
  12. Making the Unfamiliar Familiar: The Effect of Exposure on Ratings of Unfamiliar Musical Chords
  13. Prefrontal High Gamma in ECoG Tags Periodicity of Musical Rhythms in Perception and Imagination
  14. The perceptual relevance of balance, evenness, and entropy in musical rhythms
  15. Cognitive, Motor and Social Factors of Music Instrument Training Programs for Older Adults’ Improved Wellbeing
  16. Perceived Emotions of Harmonic Cadences
  17. The Rhythmotron
  18. Prefrontal high-gamma in ECoG tags periodicity of musical rhythms in perception and imagination
  19. Perception of affect in unfamiliar musical chords
  20. Timbre Preferences in the Context of Mixing Music
  21. Controlling Perception Thresholds for Changing Timbres in Continuous Sounds
  22. Spectral Pitch Similarity is a Predictor of Perceived Change in Sound- as Well as Note-Based Music
  23. Distributional Analysis of n-Dimensional Feature Space for 7-Note Scales in 22-TET
  24. Teaching Music with Mathematics: A Pilot Study
  25. XronoMorph: Investigating Paths Through Rhythmic Space
  26. The Effect of Isomorphic Pitch Layouts on the Transfer of Musical Learning †
  27. Teaching Mathematics with Music: A Pilot Study
  28. Linking Sonic Aesthetics with Mathematical Theories
  29. Exploring the Effects of Pitch Layout on Learning a New Musical Instrument
  30. Exploring the space of perfectly balanced rhythms and scales
  31. Testing a spectral model of tonal affinity with microtonal melodies and inharmonic spectra
  32. Computational Creation and Morphing of Multilevel Rhythms by Control of Evenness
  33. Empirically testingTonnetz, voice-leading, and spectral models of perceived triadic distance
  34. A Spectral Pitch Class Model of the Probe Tone Data and Scalic Tonality
  35. Perfect Balance: A Novel Principle for the Construction of Musical Scales and Meters
  36. A MIDI Sequencer That Widens Access to the Compositional Possibilities of Novel Tunings
  37. Modelling the similarity of pitch collections with expectation tensors
  38. Scratching the Scale Labyrinth
  39. Spectral Tools for Dynamic Tonality and Audio Morphing
  40. Tuning continua and keyboard layouts
  41. Isomorphic Controllers and Dynamic Tuning: Invariant Fingering over a Tuning Continuum