All Stories

  1. Student Experiences and Perceptions of Participation in Student-Led Health Clinics: A Systematic Review
  2. Perceptions of influenza and pneumococcal vaccine uptake by older persons in Australia
  3. Key Concepts and Theory in Social Work
  4. Identifying and Addressing Risk in the Implementation of Alternative Care Policies in Cambodia
  5. A Qualitative Exploration of the Adult Intercountry Adoptee Experience in Australia
  6. How ethical is it to use international commercial surrogacy?
  7. Faking participant identity: Vested interests and purposeful interference
  8. Moral distress as experienced by hospital social workers in South Korea and Australia
  9. Book Review
  10. The impact of Professional Boundaries for Health Professionals (PBHP) training on knowledge, comfort, experience, and ethical decision-making: a longitudinal randomized controlled trial
  11. Radical action using social media, injustice, ethical awareness, and Stéphane Hessel
  12. Media representations of surrogacy in Britain
  13. Transnational commercial surrogacy
  14. Social work podcasts
  15. Intercountry Adoption in Australia
  16. On assisted reproduction and surrogacy
  17. National apologies for forced adoptions - a future apology for intercountry adoptions is indicated
  18. Intercountry adoption propelled into Australia by Operation babylift
  19. Identity and race in adoptive families
  20. A review of the sociological literature on intercountry adoption
  21. A critical and historical perspective on child removal for adoption in the context of disaster
  22. A futuristic short story published in Nature
  23. Measuring professional boundaries between practitioners and patients in health
  24. The future of intercountry adoption - what is needed now
  25. Controversies and impications for intercountry adoption
  26. A randomized controlled trial on training practitioners to talk about sex
  27. Implementing training for healthy practitioner client relationships in health and rehabilitation
  28. How intercountry adoption emerged in Australia
  29. Professional boundaries between practitioners and patients in health
  30. A clinical trial on experimental surgery on people with spinal cord injuries
  31. Korean Intercountry adoption
  32. Family conferences in rehabilitation and health
  33. Training professionals to talk about sex
  34. Training professionals to talk about sex
  35. g professionals to talk about sex