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  1. Using health impact assessments to implement the sustainable development goals in practice: a case study in Wales
  2. University students’ behaviours towards accessing sexual health information and treatment
  3. Development of a quality assurance review framework for health impact assessments
  4. Role of cardiorespiratory fitness in lifetime cardiovascular risk prediction models: a cross-sectional analysis
  5. A shared data approach more accurately represents the rates and patterns of violence with injury assaults
  6. A non-exercise method to determine cardiorespiratory fitness identifies females predicted to be at 'high risk of type 2 diabetes
  7. Cardiorespiratory fitness testing and cardiovascular disease risk in male steelworkers
  8. A workplace-based risk assessment improves predicted lifetime cardiovascular disease risk in male steelworkers
  9. Examining the relationship between HbA1c and diabetes risk models in a European population indicates a lower threshold to identify ‘high risk’ is required
  10. Different type 2 diabetes risk assessments predict dissimilar numbers at 'high risk': a retrospective analysis of diabetes risk-assessment tools
  11. Cardiorespiratory fitness is a stronger indicator of cardiometabolic risk factors and risk prediction than self-reported physical activity levels
  12. Predicted 10-year risk of cardiovascular disease is influenced by the risk equation adopted: a cross-sectional analysis
  13. 'Prosiect Sir Gar': workplace-based cardiovascular disease and diabetes risk assessments
  14. Prevalence of metabolic risk factors and associated 10-year prediction of cardiovascular disease and diabetes in female employees
  15. Prevalence of Undiagnosed Cardiovascular Risk Factors and 10-Year CVD Risk in Male Steel Industry Workers