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  1. Effect of slope position on hydrochory processes: a natural rainfall study in tropical agroecosystem
  2. The impact of termites on soil sheeting properties is better explained by environmental factors than by their feeding and building strategies
  3. Logging residues promote positive interactions between soil erosion, soil functioning and soil macrofauna diversity in young rubber plantations in Africa.
  4. Slope position and biochar influence soil properties and seed displacement in a tropical agroecosystem
  5. Mechanisms of lateral and linear extension of gullies (dongas) in a subhumid grassland of South Africa
  6. Land use strongly influences soil organic carbon and bacterial community export in runoff in tropical uplands‐
  7. Experimental and modelling evidence of short-term effect of raindrop impact on hydraulic conductivity and overland flow intensity
  8. Changes in soil characteristics and C dynamics after mangrove clearing (Vietnam)
  9. Effect of land use and hydrological processes on Escherichia coli concentrations in streams of tropical, humid headwater catchments
  10. Contradictory hydrological impacts of afforestation in the humid tropics evidenced by long-term field monitoring and simulation modelling
  11. Impact of organic fertilizer on aquatic microbial community.
  12. Mixing of biochar with organic amendments reduces carbon removal after field exposure under tropical conditions
  13. Seasonal variability of faecal indicator bacteria numbers and die-off rates in the Red River basin, North Viet Nam
  14. Impact of terrestrial runoff on organic matter, trophic state, and phytoplankton in a tropical, upland reservoir
  15. Impact of compost, vermicompost and biochar on soil fertility, maize yield and soil erosion in Northern Vietnam: A three year mesocosm experiment
  16. Rainfall interception by endemic plants versus short cycle crops
  17. Soil erosion, dissolved organic carbon and nutrient losses under different land use systems in a small catchment in northern Vietnam
  18. Off-site impacts of agricultural composting: role of terrestrially derived organic matter in structuring aquatic microbial communities and their metabolic potential
  19. Erratum to: CDOM fluorescence as a proxy of DOC concentration in natural waters: a comparison of four contrasting tropical systems
  20. Soil clay influencesAcaciaencroachment in a South African grassland
  21. Influence of buffalo manure, compost, vermicompost and biochar amendments on bacterial and viral communities in soil and adjacent aquatic systems
  22. Positive versus negative environmental impacts of tree encroachment in South Africa
  23. CDOM fluorescence as a proxy of DOC concentration in natural waters: a comparison of four contrasting tropical systems
  24. The use of Slingram EM38 data for topsoil and subsoil geoelectrical characterization with a Bayesian inversion
  25. The indirect impact of encroaching trees on gully extension: A 64year study in a sub-humid grassland of South Africa
  26. Seasonal effect on trace metal elements behaviour in a reservoir of northern Thailand
  27. Influence of earthworms and termites on runoff and erosion in a tropical steep slope fallow in Vietnam: A rainfall simulation experiment
  28. Grass competition is more important than seed ingestion by livestock for Acacia recruitment in South Africa
  29. Rainfall simulation to identify the storm-scale mechanisms of gully bank retreat
  30. Impact of land use change and rainfall on sediment and carbon accumulation in a water reservoir of North Thailand
  31. Influence of grass soil cover on water runoff and soil detachment under rainfall simulation in a sub-humid South African degraded rangeland
  32. Dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) can improve soil hydrological properties
  33. Runoff and sediment losses from 27 upland catchments in Southeast Asia: Impact of rapid land use changes and conservation practices
  34. Land-use impacts on surface runoff and soil detachment within agricultural sloping lands in Northern Vietnam
  35. Effects of agricultural practices on the hydrodynamics of a deep tilled hardened volcanic ash–soil (Cangahua) in Ecuador
  36. Soil crusting and infiltration on steep slopes in northern Thailand
  37. Runoff and soil erosion under rainfall simulation of Andisols from the Ecuadorian Páramo: effect of tillage and burning
  38. Rainfall/runoff processes in a small peri-urban catchment in the Andes mountains. The Rumihurcu Quebrada, Quito (Ecuador)
  39. The soil surface characteristics of vegetation stripes in Northern Mexico and their influences on the system hydrodynamics
  40. Water funnelling by the crown of Flourensia cernua, a Chihuahuan Desert shrub
  41. Rain-induced dispersal in Puccinia arachidis, studied by means of a rainfall simulator