All Stories

  1. Powdered activated carbon full-scale addition to the activated sludge reactor of a municipal wastewater treatment plant: Pharmaceutical compounds control and overall impact on the process
  2. Engineered pine nut shell derived activated carbons for improved removal of recalcitrant pharmaceuticals in urban wastewater treatment
  3. Key Factors for Activated Carbon Adsorption of Pharmaceutical Compounds from Wastewaters: A Multivariate Modelling Approach
  4. Identification and Modelling of Chlorine Decay Mechanisms in Reclaimed Water Containing Ammonia
  5. Adsorption/Coagulation/Ceramic Microfiltration for Treating Challenging Waters for Drinking Water Production
  6. Hybrid Process of Adsorption/Coagulation/Ceramic MF for Removing Pesticides in Drinking Water Treatment—Inline vs. Contact Tank PAC Dosing
  7. To what extent may pharmaceuticals and pesticides be removed by PAC conventional addition to low-turbidity surface waters and what are the potential bottlenecks?
  8. Assessing the applicability of a new carob waste-derived powdered activated carbon to control pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater treatment
  9. Operational performance and cost analysis of PAC/ceramic MF for drinking water production: exploring treatment capacity as a new indicator for performance assessment and optimization
  10. Estratégias de reforço físico-químico com carvão ativado em pó para controlo de fármacos em ETAR
  11. Pilot Studies and Cost Analysis of Hybrid Powdered Activated Carbon/Ceramic Microfiltration for Controlling Pharmaceutical Compounds and Organic Matter in Water Reclamation
  12. Tratamento de água com carvão ativado em pó/microfiltração cerâmica (PAC/MF) – quando e onde?
  13. Assessment of Current Models Ability to Describe Chlorine Decay and Appraisal of Water Spectroscopic Data as Model Inputs
  14. Modelling chlorine residual decay as influenced by temperature
  15. Water reclamation with hybrid coagulation–ceramic microfiltration: first part of a long-term pilot study in Portugal
  16. How do the HSDM and Boyd’s model compare for estimating intraparticle diffusion coefficients in adsorption processes
  17. Modelling and understanding the competitive adsorption of microcystins and tannic acid
  18. Aroma recovery by integration of sweeping gas pervaporation and liquid absorption in membrane contactors
  19. Racemic resolution of propranolol in membrane contactors: Modelling and process optimisation
  20. Modelling of the enantio-selective extraction of propranolol in a biphasic system
  21. Removal of heavy metals from drinking water supplies through the ion exchange membrane bioreactor
  22. Hybrid modelling of the racemic resolution of propranolol in membrane contactors
  23. Enantioselective Separation of Propranolol by Chiral Activated Membranes
  24. Kinetics of phenylalanine extraction and reextraction by cationic reversed micelles using a diffusion cell
  25. Transport mechanisms and modelling in liquid membrane contactors
  27. Extraction and re-extraction of phenylalanine by cationic reversed micelles in hollow fibre contactors
  28. Mass transfer correlations in membrane extraction: Analysis of Wilson-plot methodology
  29. Removal of valeric acid from wastewaters by membrane contactors
  30. Membrane-based solvent extraction and stripping of lactate in hollow-fibre contactors