All Stories

  1. Bridging cultural perspectives for international cooperation and progressive social change
  2. Human development in Africanist settings: Advancing the research scholarship of Bame Nsamenang
  3. How the Study of Cognitive Growth Can Benefit From a Cultural Lens
  4. Contextual Responsiveness: An Enduring Challenge for Educational Assessment in Africa
  5. Do neuropsychological test norms from African Americans in the United States generalize to a Zambian population?
  6. GraphoGame – a catalyst for multi-level promotion of literacy in diverse contexts
  7. Ensuring sufficient literacy practice with tablet technology in Zambian schools
  8. Important current topics for research on child development in Africa
  9. how research on child development in Africa is changing
  10. Design and Validation of Assessment Tests for Young Children in Zambia
  11. Multiple Perspectives and Constraints on Progressive Social Change: A Commentary
  12. Promotion of Literacy in Sub-Saharan Africa: Goals and Prospects of CAPOLSA at the University of Zambia
  13. Cole, Michael
  14. Jahoda, Gustav
  15. Goodnow, Jacqueline
  16. Early educational foundations for the development of civic responsibility: An African experience
  17. Social Responsibility as a Dimension of Intelligence, and as an Educational Goal: Insights From Programmatic Research in an African Society
  18. Developmental assessment, cultural context, gender, and schooling in Zambia
  19. Challenging western hegemony through systematic study of cultural diversity: an undergraduate course on child development and culture
  20. Bridging between orthodox western higher educational practices and an African sociocultural context
  21. Optimizing the Developmental Consequences of Education: Reflections on Issues Raised by Michael Cole
  22. Changing Views of Culture and Behavior: An Interview with Robert Serpell
  23. The Embeddedness of Human Development within Sociocultural Context: Pedagogical, and Political Implications
  24. Intimate culture of families in the early socialization of literacy.
  25. Intimate culture of families in the early socialization of literacy.
  26. Parents' Interactions with Their First-Grade Children During Storybook Reading and Relations with Subsequent Home Reading Activity and Reading Achievement
  27. Use of Jessor's Theoretical Framework of Adolescent Risk Behavior in Ethiopia: Implications for HIV/AIDS Prevention
  28. Opportunities and constraints for research on education and human development in Africa: Focus on assessment and special education
  29. Standardization of the Panga Munthu Test-A Nonverbal Cognitive Test Developed in Zambia
  30. Critical Issues Literacy Connections between School and Home: How Should We Evaluate Them?
  31. Book Reviews
  32. Education as an encounter between individual motivation and cultural context
  33. Parental Beliefs about Ways to Help Children Learn to Read: The Impact of an Entertainment or a Skills Perspective
  34. Book Reviews
  35. Cultural Dimensions of Cognition: A Multiplex, Dynamic System of Constraints and Possibilities
  36. Negotiating a fusion of horizons: A process view of cultural validation in developmental psychology
  37. Mental Retardation in African Countries: Conceptualization, Services, and Research
  38. Exaggerating the Significance of Text
  39. Early Intervention in Third World Countries
  40. Book Reviews
  41. Psychology and Anthropology: a psychological perspective by Gustav Jahoda London, Academic Press, 1982. Pp. x+305. £24.00 (1985).
  42. Commentary: The Impact of Psychology on Third World Development
  43. How Relevant is American Psychology to the Rest of the World?
  44. Book Reviews
  46. The Skill of Pictorial Perception: An Interpretation of Cross-Cultural Evidence
  47. How specific are perceptual skills? A cross-cultural study of pattern reproduction*
  48. Need for a new direction: Psychology in Africa
  49. Another Opinion on Pictorial Art in Zambia
  50. Discrimination of orientation by Zambian children.
  51. Performance on a Sorting Task. A Cross-Cultural Experiment
  52. Cultural Differences in Attentional Preference for Colour Over Form
  53. The Influence of Language, Education and Culture on Attentional Preference Between Colour and Form
  54. Colour Prejudice and Oxford Landladies
  55. Becoming Literate in the City
  56. Intelligence and Culture
  57. Estimates of intelligence in a rural community of eastern Zambia.
  58. Growth of Communicative Competence in a Dynamic African Context
  59. Determinants of intelligence: Culture and Intelligence.
  60. Early Appropriation of Literacy in Sociocultural Context
  61. Negotiating the Middle Ground Between the Ostensible and Shared Horizons: A Dynamic Approach to Cross-Cultural Communication about Human Development
  62. The Cultural Practice of Intelligence Testing: Problems of International Export.
  63. Participatory Appropriation and the Cultivation of Nurturance: A Case Study of African Primary Health Science Curriculum Development
  64. Situated theory as a bridge between psychology, history, and educational practices