All Stories

  1. An Agenda-Setting History
  2. Editorial
  3. Editorial
  4. Editorial
  5. Editorial
  6. Editorial
  7. Editorial
  8. Book Review: The formation of a new relationship to oneself
  9. Editorial
  10. Editorial
  11. Editorial
  12. Editorial
  13. The Foucault Effect in Organization Studies
  14. Editorial
  15. Editorial
  16. Editorial
  17. Jean-Francois Bert and Elisabetta Basso (eds.), Foucault à Münsterlingen; À l’origine de l’Histoire de la folie, Avec des photographies de Jacqueline Verdeaux (Paris: Éditions de l’école des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2015)
  18. Indledning til den humane vending
  19. Kosmologi og ‘revolution’ – Den humane vending som kopernikansk vending
  20. Philosophy of the Anthropocene: The Human Turn
  21. Michel Foucault: A Research Companion
  22. A Copernican Turn
  23. The (Post)human Condition
  24. The Turn within and of the Human
  25. Histories of Sexualities
  26. Philosophy, Enlightenment, Diagnostics
  27. On the Borders of Madness
  28. Displacements and Development: A Familiar Foucault
  29. The Practices of the Self
  30. Discipline, Penitentiary, and Delinquency
  31. Man at the Centre: The Legacy of the Humanities
  32. A Prominent Role in a Landscape Lush with Mutual Mediation
  33. The Human Turn as It Appears within Central Fields of Knowledge, Capabilities and Skills
  34. The Human Turn: A Challenge for the Human Sciences
  35. The Human Turn: A Turn within the Human Sciences
  36. The Opening of a New Chapter in the World’s History
  37. Warfare as a Model of Power Relations
  38. Introduction: A Philosophical Trajectory
  39. A Genealogy of Structuralism and Language
  40. The (Neo)liberal Art of Governing
  41. Exit: Challenges for a Diagnosis of the Present
  42. Contextuality and Transversal Categories: A Less Familiar Foucault
  43. The Governmentalization of the State
  44. Editorial
  45. Editorial: Exchanges
  46. Editorial: Toolbox
  47. Editorial
  48. Editorial
  49. Foucault’s dispositive: The perspicacity of dispositive analytics in organizational research
  50. Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855)
  51. Editorial
  52. Learning to stay ahead of time: moving leadership experiences experimentally
  53. Editorial
  54. Beyond rule. Trust and power as capacities.
  55. Editorial
  56. Editorial
  57. Editorial
  58. Editorial
  59. Editorial
  60. Editorial
  61. Editorial
  62. Editorial
  63. Editorial
  64. Corrigendum to Trent Hamann's Review of Edward F. McGushin's Foucault's Askesis published in Foucault Studies 6
  65. Neoliberal Governmentality
  66. Controlling sickness absence
  67. A New Beginning and a Continuation…
  68. Qu’est-ce qu’un dispositif?