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  1. How to chase a tracer – combining conventional salt tracer testing and direct push electrical conductivity profiling for enhanced aquifer characterization
  2. Subsurface flow mixing in coarse, braided river deposits
  3. Influence of conceptual model uncertainty on contaminant transport forecasting in braided river aquifers
  4. Morphological perspective on the sedimentary characteristics of a coarse, braided reach: Tagliamento River (NE Italy)
  5. Subsurface flow mixing in coarse, braided river deposits
  6. Efficient Deconvolution of Ground-Penetrating Radar Data
  7. Effects of river morphology, hydraulic gradients, and sediment deposition on water exchange and oxygen dynamics in salmonid redds
  8. Zeitliche und räumliche Skalen der Fluss-Grundwasser-Interaktion: Ein multidimensionaler hydrogeologischer Untersuchungsansatz
  9. The Role of Prior Model Calibration on Predictions with Ensemble Kalman Filter