All Stories

  1. Tests of measurement invariance of three Wechsler intelligence tests in economically developing nations in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa
  2. Censorship in an Educational Society: A Case Study of the National Association for Gifted Children
  3. National Mean IQ Estimates: Validity, Data Quality, and Recommendations
  4. Book review of "Shakespeare and the Experimental Psychologist"
  5. Factor structure of intelligence and divergent thinking subtests: A registered report
  6. School Integration Limits the Ability of Local Norms to Diversify Gifted Programs: A Mathematical Analysis with Implications Related to the Achievement Gap
  7. Analyzing Disproportionate Representation in Gifted Education: Identification Procedures, Proximal Causes, Distal Causes, and Theoretical Causes
  8. Between-Group Mean Differences in Intelligence in the United States Are >0% Genetically Caused: Five Converging Lines of Evidence
  9. No Strong Evidence of Stereotype Threat in Females: A Reassessment of the Meta-Analysis
  10. An introduction to applying genetic data to education
  11. A registered report examining the TTCT and an intelligence test
  12. Undergraduate statistics textbook that teaches the General Linear Model
  13. A guide to the most common incorrect beliefs about intelligence--and the research behind the facts.
  14. Lewis Terman's study of high-IQ children is not discredited for missing two future Nobelists.
  15. Both teachers and non-teachers are misinformed about intelligence
  16. Intelligence courses are rare in the psychology curriculum
  17. Review of Charles Murray's book "Human Diversity: The Biology of Gender, Race, and Class"
  18. Most IQ test item formats date back over a century
  19. Review of "Cognitive Capitalism: Human capital and the wellbeing of nations," by Heiner Rindermann
  20. AP math courses do not increase students' interest in STEM
  21. Stephen Jay Gould's view of the Army Beta intelligence test in THE MISMEASURE OF MAN is incorrect
  22. Intelligence (defined as Spearman's g) is probably a universal psychological trait.
  23. Correction to "Are There More Gifted People Than Would Be Expected in a Normal Distribution?"
  24. The legacy of Lewis Terman, the father of gifted education
  25. Broadway shows stay open longer if they win the Tony Award for Best Musical
  26. Propensity score modeling with ordinal data.
  27. Most introductory psychology textbooks contain factual errors about human intelligence
  28. Grade skippers earn more money in adulthood
  29. Male grade skippers in the Terman sample earned more money
  30. Do students learn more in Advanced Placement classes? We don't really know.
  31. Online theatre reviews are just as trusted as traditional reviews.
  32. Spearman's hypothesis also applies to academic achievement tests
  33. Outsiders! Please study gifted programs!
  34. State policy impacts on gifted programs
  35. A Biopsychosocial Examination of ATOD Use among Middle and High School Students
  36. Five Reasons to Put the g Back Into Giftedness
  37. Advanced Placement classes provide no academic benefit unless students take the AP test
  38. Gifted students use similar strategies as older students to solve math problems
  39. How-to guide for above-level testing
  40. Comparing weighted GPAs and unweighted GPAs
  41. Ideas to encourage replication in educational research
  42. CogAT7 reviewed. Seems to be useful for testing English language learners
  43. Does technology contribute to rising IQ scores?
  44. Professional explanation of test bias
  45. Above-level testing can be used to track growth in gifted students' academic achievement
  46. “Just” desserts: an interpretive analysis of sports nutrition marketing
  47. Human intelligence is normally distributed
  48. Minority underrepresentation in gifted programs may just be a consequence of the achievement gap
  49. Literature review on above-level testing
  50. A tally of the most common statistical methods in gifted education research
  51. Introduction to hierarchical linear modeling
  52. An introduction to Item Response Theory
  53. Meta-analysis of reliability coefficients for the OEQII
  54. How to conduct a commonality analysis
  55. OEQII scores cannot be compared across gender groups
  56. How to create confidence intervals in exploratory factor analysis
  57. Critical thinking is more than scientific analytic reasoning
  58. Critical thinking as disciplinary practice.