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  1. Prosociality across adulthood: A developmental and motivational perspective.
  2. Risk of cognitive declines with retirement: Who declines and why?
  3. It's only a dream if you wake up: Young adults' achievement expectations, opportunities, and meritocratic beliefs
  4. Young adults opportunity beliefs and motivational self-regulation during career entry
  5. Social Mobility in the Transition to Adulthood
  6. University students' causal conceptions about social mobility: Diverging pathways for believers in personal merit and luck
  7. Motivational Self-Regulation in the Work Domain: Congruence of Individuals’ Control Striving and the Control Potential in Their Developmental Ecologies
  8. Career-related goal pursuit among post-high school youth: Relations between personal control beliefs and control strivings
  9. Causal Conceptions About Socioeconomic Status Scale