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  1. Anaconda, Jet Fuel, White Robes, and Miaow Miaow: The Argot of Women Prisoners
  2. ‘There is no sincerer love than the love of food’ (George Bernard Shaw, 1903): The meaning of food and its uses in prison subculture
  3. Does Work Stress Change Personalities? Working in Prison as a Personality-Changing Factor Among Correctional Officers
  4. The Impact of Bibliodidactics on Success in Learning to Read Among Nonnative Criminal Inmates
  5. To include or not to include—This is the question: Attitudes of inclusive teachers toward the inclusion of pupils with intellectual disabilities in elementary schools
  6. Personal Development and Empowerment of Adolescents at Risk by Way of Prosocial Altruistic and Anonymous Activity: A Qualitative Perspective
  7. The impact of introspection and resilience on abstention and desistance from delinquent behavior among adolescents at risk