All Stories

  1. Employment protection and firm-provided training in dual labour markets
  2. Geographical proximity to refugee reception centres and voting
  3. The impact of family size and sibling structure on the great Mexico–USA migration
  4. Immigrant entrepreneurs, diasporas, and exports
  5. The ‘gravity’ of quality: research quality and the attractiveness of universities in Italy
  6. The effect of introducing a Research Evaluation Exercise on student enrolment
  7. Are firms supplying goods to foreign firms more innovative?
  8. Grandparental availability for child care and maternal labor force participation
  9. The effect of immigration on innovation
  10. Local human capital externalities and wages at the firm level
  11. Parental health and child schooling
  12. On the pro-trade effects of immigrants
  13. Does delaying first birth help mothers' employment?
  14. Are Exporters More Likely to Introduce Product Innovations?
  15. A Microeconometric Analysis of Female Labour Force Participation in Italy
  16. Should you compete or cooperate with your schoolmates?
  17. Endogenous treatment effects for count data models with endogenous participation or sample selection
  18. The effect of delaying motherhood on the second childbirth in Europe
  19. Field of Study and University Graduates' Early Employment Outcomes in Italy during 1995-2004
  20. Non-pecuniary returns to higher education: the effect on smoking intensity in the UK
  21. Does the Expansion of Higher Education Increase the Equality of Educational Opportunities? Evidence from Italy
  22. Effort‐based career opportunities and working time
  23. Parents’ income and children’s school drop-out at 16 in England and Wales: evidence from the 1970 British Cohort Study
  24. New Mothers' Labour Force Participation in Italy: The Role of Job Characteristics
  25. Higher education outcomes, graduate employment and university performance indicators
  26. Labour force participation and marital fertility of Italian women: The role of education
  27. Does the choice of university matter?
  28. Female Labour Force Participation and Marital Fertility in Italy