All Stories

  1. Kan vi lære av andres feil?
  2. Helicopter‐based emergency medical services for a sparsely populated region: A study of 42,500 dispatches
  3. Emergency medicine in Zanzibar: the effect of system changes in the emergency department
  4. Troverdig om krigens urettferdighet
  5. Re: Akuttmottaket trenger egne spesialister
  6. Relation of Reported Sedation and Ventilator Weaning Practices to Ventilator Time in Norwegian Intensive Care Units
  7. Lurt og lærerikt om luftveiene
  8. Grunnleggende og grei innføring i anestesi
  9. Team training – The BEST approach to continuing education in resuscitation
  10. Nok en «kokebok» i akuttmedisin
  11. Sannsynlighetsproblemer for spesielt interesserte
  12. Pre-hospital care and hazardous environments
  13. The Helsinki Declaration on Patient Safety in Anaesthesiology: Putting words into practice
  14. Akuttmedisinske nøtter
  15. Akuttmedisinsk harelabb
  16. Fortsatt god, men ujevn oppdatering om akuttmedisin
  17. Da akuttmedisinen ble satt på prøve
  18. Hektisk og begeistret hyllest til en idealist
  19. Grunnleggende om akutt luftveishåndtering
  20. Tung teori om hvordan lage robuste systemer
  21. The effect of a simple checklist on frequent pre-induction deficiencies
  22. A non evaporation layer combined with insulation is the preferred method for prevention of prehospital hypothermia
  23. Traumebehandling i Norge
  24. Er pasientarbeid og kommunikasjon utenfor sykehuset noe helt for seg selv?
  25. Does the horizontal position increase risk of rescue death following suspension trauma?
  26. Tilværelsens uutholdelige tilfeldigheter
  27. Alternativet til etterpåklokskap
  28. God akuttmedisinsk bibel
  29. Nyttig om akuttmedisinsk kommunikasjon
  30. Keeping the spirit high: why trauma team training is (sometimes) implemented
  31. Comparison of two mechanical chest compression devices in out-of-hospital cardiac arrests
  32. Training multiprofessional trauma teams in Norwegian hospitals using simple and low cost local simulations
  33. Improving patient safety by using interprofessional simulation training in health professional education
  34. Carbon monoxide poisoning while using a small cooking stove in a tent
  35. Preparing teams for low-frequency emergencies in Norwegian hospitals
  36. Quality improvement report: Effect of a scoring system and protocol for sedation on duration of patients' need for ventilator support in a surgical intensive care unit
  37. Confidence and experience in emergency medicine procedures.Norwegian general practitioners
  38. A long-term seal- and cod-liver-oil supplementation in hypercholesterolemic subjects
  39. Videofilmed simulation in team training of resuscitation and stabilization of multitraumatized patients at local hospitals
  40. Skills of pre-registration house officers: gender differences reported in Norway
  41. Young female doctors report achieving fewer surgical skills than young male doctors
  42. Consent for invasive procedures in the newly deceased
  43. Public opinion on different approaches to teaching intubation techniques.
  44. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation: Intraosseous delivery not confined to children
  45. Intrathecal anaesthesia in patients under 45 years: incidence of postdural puncture symptoms after spinal anaesthesia with 27G needles
  46. An introductory ‘survival course’ for first-year medical students: a brief account of the course
  47. Teaching Intubation Skills Using Newly Deceased Infants
  48. Teaching and training of emergencies on 'newly dead' patients: national experiences from Norway.
  49. HIV Infection and Health Personnel
  50. Health workers and the human immunodeficiency virus: Knowledge, ignorance and behaviour
  51. Health Care Professionals and Fear of AIDS
  52. Norwegian dentists' knowledge, attitudes, and behavior concerning the HIV
  53. Occult biochemical pregnancy: fact or fiction?
  54. Points: Occult biochemical pregnancies