All Stories

  1. Hermenuticals of Human Movement and Sport: Holism and Harmony
  2. The Czech approach to outdoor adventure and experiential education: the influence of Jaroslav Foglarʼs work
  3. Doxa a epistémé zážitkové pedagogiky
  4. The Impact of Families Camping Together: Opportunities for Personal and Social Development
  5. Experiential and outdoor education: the participant experience shared through mind maps
  6. Winter outdoor trekking: spiritual aspects of environmental education
  7. Spirituality in mind-maps from winter course
  8. Religion, Spirituality, and Sport: FromReligio AthletaeTowardSpiritus Athletae
  9. Readjusting Our Sporting Sites/Sight: Sportification and the Theatricality of Social Life
  10. Systemic Constellation as a Trans-Rational Image of the Unconscious: Non-Religious Spirituality, or Implicit Religion?
  11. Putování a smysl života: proměna člověka v zimní přírodě
  12. Rodinné táboření: případová studie potenciálu osobnostního rozvoje
  13. Fenomén putování jako symbol duchovního rozměru osobnostního rozvoje v diskursu zážitkové pedagogiky
  14. Verticality as Non-Religious Spirituality
  15. Specificity of movement in aqueous media from a spiritual point of view
  16. The Understanding of Death in Social Work in the Czech Republic during the Socialist Era and in the Era of Consumerism through Heidegger's Authenticity
  17. Systém a struktura jako znak Olomoucké filosofie a její vazby na kinantropologii
  18. Pain and Suffering in Sport
  19. Philosophical Kinanthropology (Philosophy of Physical Culture, Philosophy of Sport) in Slavonic Countries: The Culture, the Writers, and the Current Directions
  20. Nahota v kontextu pohybové kultury
  21. Nakedness and Movement Culture
  22. Review of Essays About Philosophical Analyses of Sport (Physical Culture) in Central Europe
  23. Philosophy of Sport, or Philosophy of Physical Culture? An Experience from the Czech Republic: Philosophical Kinanthropology