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  1. Ionospheric Scintillation Observation Using Space-Borne Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
  2. Characteristics of Equatorial and Low-Latitude Plasma Irregularities as Investigated Using a Meridional Chain of Radio Experiments Over India
  3. Characteristics of the equatorial plasma drifts as obtained by using Canadian Doppler ionosonde over southern tip of India
  4. The response of the equatorial ionosphere to fast stream solar coronal holes during 2008 deep solar minimum over Indian region
  5. Low-latitude ionosphere response to super geomagnetic storm of 17/18 March 2015: Results from a chain of ground-based observations over Indian sector
  6. Impact of the 15 January 2010 annular solar eclipse on the equatorial and low latitude ionosphere over the Indian region
  7. A statistical study of satellite traces and evolution of equatorial spread F
  8. A multi-technique study of the 29–31 October 2003 geomagnetic storm effect on low latitude ionosphere over Indian region with magnetometer, ionosonde, and GPS observations
  9. Ionospheric variability over Indian low latitude linked with the 2009 sudden stratospheric warming
  10. Modeling and observations of the north–south ionospheric asymmetry at low latitudes at long deep solar minimum
  11. Response of the equatorial and low-latitude ionosphere to an intense X-class solar flare (X7/2B) as observed on 09 August 2011
  12. Quiet time variability of the GPS TEC and EEJ strength over Indian region associated with major sudden stratospheric warming events during 2005/2006
  13. Study of equinoctial asymmetry in the Equatorial Spread F (ESF) irregularities over Indian region using multi-instrument observations in the descending phase of solar cycle 23
  14. A study on the low-latitude daytimeEregion plasma irregularities using coordinated VHF radar, rocket-borne, and ionosonde observations
  15. Planetary-scale variability in the low-latitudeEregion field-aligned irregularities: First results from Gadanki observations
  16. Simultaneous observations of ESF irregularities over Indian region using radar and GPS
  17. Gadanki radar observations of daytime E region echoes and structures extending down to 87 km
  18. Simultaneous VHF radar backscatter and ionosonde observations of low-latitude E region
  19. Statistical characteristics of VHF radar observations of low latitude E-region field-aligned irregularities over Gadanki
  20. Characterization of VHF radar observations associated with equatorial Spread F by narrow-band optical measurements
  21. Shear instability as a source of the daytime quasi-periodic radar echoes observed by the Gadanki VHF radar
  22. Equatorial E region irregularities: a review of recent observations
  23. Evidence of kilometer-scale waves in the lower E region from high resolution VHF radar observations over Gadanki