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  1. Career decision-making in unemployed Portuguese adults: Test of the social cognitive model of career self-management.
  2. Examining a model of how students decide whether or not they intend to study abroad
  3. Retiring or rewiring? Test of a social cognitive model of retirement planning.
  4. Meta-analytic path analysis of the social cognitive well-being model: Applicability across life domain, gender, race/ethnicity, and nationality.
  5. Viewing the Career Indecision Profile within a theoretical context: Application of the social cognitive career self-management model.
  6. Social–cognitive predictors of career exploration and decision-making: Longitudinal test of the career self-management model.
  7. Predictors of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics choice options: A meta-analytic path analysis of the social–cognitive choice model by gender and race/ethnicity.
  8. Social Cognitive Career Theory in a Diverse World
  9. Test of the Social Cognitive Model of Well-Being in Spanish College Students
  10. Self-Efficacy in a Relational World
  11. Review of vocational psychology research