All Stories

  1. A Quantitative and Qualitative Study of Notes Left by Youth Who Died by Suicide in Quebec from 1895 to 1985
  2. Populational and individual perspective on needs
  3. The Case for a Federal Mental Health Transition Fund
  4. Canadian ADHD black-box warnings
  5. Attempted Suicide Among Students and Young Adults in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
  6. The Association Between Traumatic Brain Injury and Suicide: Are Kids at Risk?
  7. depression as systemic chronic disease
  8. Factors Associated With Suicide in the Month Following Contact With Different Types of Health Services in Quebec
  9. 50 ans de service public pour les politiques et l’organisation de services de psychiatrie communautaire au Québec
  10. 50 ans de service public pour les politiques et l’organisation des services de psychiatrie communautaire au Québec
  11. Social Inequalities and Antidepressant Use in Canada and France
  12. High Users of Emergency Departments in Quebec Among Patients With Both Schizophrenia and a Substance Use Disorder
  13. Disentangling the influence of neighborhood and individual characteristics on early residential mobility among newly diagnosed patients with schizophrenia: a multilevel analysis
  14. Services de santé mentale en Australie
  15. Work accommodations and natural supports for maintaining employment.
  16. Mental Health Service Utilization among Students and Staff in 18 Months Following Dawson College Shooting
  17. Community pharmacy loyalty among individuals with schizophrenia
  18. Longitudinal Relationships Between Depression and Functioning in People with Type 2 Diabetes
  19. Spatio-temporal clustering of the incidence of schizophrenia in Quebec, Canada from 2004 to 2007
  20. Redevelopment of tertiary psychiatric services in British Columbia: A prospective study of clinical, social, and residential outcomes of former long-stay inpatients
  21. Changes in Depressive Symptoms and Changes in Lifestyle-Related Indicators: A 1-Year Follow-Up Study Among Adults With Type 2 Diabetes in Quebec
  22. Gambling over the life course and treatment-seeking
  23. Does elapsed time between first diagnosis of schizophrenia and migration between health territories vary by place of residence? A survival analysis approach
  24. Self-rated health: A predictor for the three year incidence of major depression in individuals with Type II diabetes
  25. Evaluation of the Dawson College shooting psychological intervention: Moving toward a multimodal extensive plan.
  26. A patient with medication-resistant epilepsy featuring psychosensorial and psychotic symptoms presenting with significant functional improvement on psychotherapeutic treatment: a case report
  27. Families' and Decision Makers' Experiences With Mental Health Care Reform: The Challenge of Collaboration
  28. Esquizofrenia y violencia grave: un análisis del perfil clínico que incorpora la impulsividad y los trastornos de consumo de sustancias
  29. Clinical Characteristics of Patients Deemed to Require Long-Term Hospitalization in a Civil or Forensic Psychiatric Setting
  30. Les conditions d'hébergement favorables au rétablissement : perspective des usagers et usagères
  31. Dialogue transdisciplinaire sur l’étiologie et la prévention du suicide au Québec
  32. Perspectives de la santé publique pour la prévention du suicide
  33. Portrait du recours aux services de santé mentale avant et après une tentative de suicide qui requiert une hospitalisation
  34. Schizophrenia and serious violence: A clinical-profile analysis incorporating impulsivity and substance-use disorders
  35. Youth and young adult suicide: A study of life trajectory
  36. Job Acquisition for People with Severe Mental Illness Enrolled in Supported Employment Programs: A Theoretically Grounded Empirical Study
  37. Staff Perceptions and Organizational Factors as Predictors of Seclusion and Restraint on Psychiatric Wards
  38. Treatment prevalence and incidence of schizophrenia in Quebec using a population health services perspective: different algorithms, different estimates
  39. Factors Associated with Disability and Depressive Symptoms Among Individuals with Diabetes: A Community Study in Quebec
  40. “Who Believes Most in Me and in My Recovery”: The Importance of Families for Persons With Serious Mental Illness Living in Structured Community Housing
  41. Clinical measurement of addictions
  42. Lifestyle Care Indicators in Individuals with Major, Minor No Depression: A Community-Based Diabetes Study in Quebec
  43. Implementation of Diagnosis-Related Mental Health Programs
  44. GP group profiles and involvement in mental health care
  45. Contribution of the Psychosocial Work Environment to Psychological Distress Among Health Care Professionals Before and During a Major Organizational Change
  46. Extent and Determinants of General Practitioner Referrals and Contacts With Mental Health Care Providers
  47. The Longitudinal Association From Obesity to Depression: Results From the 12-year National Population Health Survey
  48. Préciser l'intervention d'une équipe de première ligne en santé mentale: un exercice plus difficile qu'il n'y paraît
  49. Components Associated with Adequacy of Help for Consumers with Severe Mental Disorders
  50. L’implantation au Québec de l’Integrated Psychological Treatment (IPT) auprès des personnes atteintes de schizophrénie : cinq ans après
  51. Suicide and gambling: Psychopathology and treatment-seeking.
  52. Familial Aggregation of Suicide Explained by Cluster B Traits: A Three-Group Family Study of Suicide Controlling for Major Depressive Disorder
  53. The interaction of obesity and psychological distress on disability
  54. The Influence of Social Anchorage on the Gender Difference in the Use of Mental Health Services
  55. Preserved awareness of their cognitive deficits in patients with schizophrenia: Convergent validity of the SSTICS
  56. The Impact of Psychological Distress on Functional Disability in Asthma: Results From The Canadian Community Health Survey
  57. Les problèmes de santé mentale sont-ils détectés par les omnipraticiens ? Regard sur la perspective des omnipraticiens selon les banques de données administratives
  58. Housing for Persons With Serious Mental Illness: Consumer and Service Provider Preferences
  59. Psychological distress and short-term disability in people with diabetes: Results from the Canadian Community Health Survey
  60. Mental disorders and mental health care in Canada and Australia: comparative epidemiological findings
  62. Mortality associated with depression
  63. Patients’ Report of Help Provided by Relatives and Services to Meet Their Needs
  64. Les préférences résidentielles des personnes souffrant de troubles mentaux graves : une étude descriptive
  65. Effect of Tryptophan Hydroxylase-2 Gene Variants on Suicide Risk in Major Depression
  66. Life trajectories and burden of adversity: mapping the developmental profiles of suicide mortality
  67. Risk Factors for Suicide Completion in Borderline Personality Disorder
  68. Joint Effect of Depression and Chronic Conditions on Disability: Results From a Population-Based Study
  69. Intrusion errors in explicit memory: Their differential relationship with clinical and social outcome in chronic schizophrenia
  70. L’Étude de Suivi des Psychoses Émergentes de l’Université de Montréal (ÉSPÉUM) : contexte, buts et méthodologie
  71. Les programmes de premier épisode de schizophrénie et une médecine fondée sur les données factuelles : un cas de syndrome des habits de l’empereur  ?
  72. Do Canada and the United States Differ in Prevalence of Depression and Utilization of Services?
  73. An examination of DSM-IV depressive symptoms and risk for suicide completion in major depressive disorder: A psychological autopsy study
  74. Special Section: A Memorial Tribute: Care of Patients With the Most Severe and Persistent Mental Illness in an Area Without a Psychiatric Hospital
  75. L'impulsion Canadienne pour la Recherche en Santé Mentale au Travail
  76. The Momentum for Research on Mental Health in the Workplace in Canada
  77. Characterization of impulsivity in suicide completers: Clinical, behavioral and psychosocial dimensions
  78. Evaluating life in foster homes for persons with serious mental illness: Resident and caregiver perspectives
  79. Le maintien en emploi de personnes souffrant d’une maladie mentale
  80. Cognitive discernible factors between schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder
  81. Familial Aggregation of Suicidal Behavior: A Family Study of Male Suicide Completers From the General Population
  82. Le sort des patients souffrant de troubles mentaux très graves et persistants lorsqu’il n’y a pas d’hôpital psychiatrique : étude de cas
  83. Implantation multisite du programme Integrated Psychological Treatment (IPT) pour les personnes souffrant de schizophrénie. Élaboration d’une version renouvelée
  84. Le point de vue des responsables des ressources de type familial sur les transformations des services de santé mentale au Québec
  85. Suicídio e ausência de psicopatologia em eixo I
  86. The crucial role of sustained attention in community functioning in outpatients with schizophrenia
  87. Nature and Prevalence of Mental Illness in the Workplace
  88. Guest Editorial: Mental Health and the Workplace: Towards a Research Agenda in Canada
  89. Seasonal differences in psychopathology of male suicide completers
  90. Investigation of completed suicide and genes involved in cholesterol metabolism
  91. The construct validity of the client questionnaire of the Wisconsin Quality of Life Index – a cross-validation study
  92. Wolfram syndrome and suicide: Evidence for a role of WFS1 in suicidal and impulsive behavior
  93. Données récentes d’études scandinaves. Traiter la dépression : une stratégie efficace de prévention du suicide?
  94. Planification et évaluation des besoins en santé mentale, de Viviane Kovess, Alain Lesage, Bénédicte Boisguerin, Louise Fournier, Alain Lopez, Aubert Ouellet, Comité de la santé mentale du Québec et Direction générale de la Santé France, coll. Médecine...
  95. A French, abridged version of the Hospitals and Hostels Practices Profile Schedule
  96. Are UN Peacekeepers at Risk for Suicide?
  97. Dr. Turecki and Colleagues Reply
  98. Dr. Turecki and Colleagues Reply
  99. Evaluating the closure or downsizing of psychiatric hospitals: social or clinical event?
  100. Unmet needs in the community:can existing services meet them?
  101. Assessment of a new rehabilitative coping skills module for persons with schizophrenia.
  102. Évaluation de la qualité de vie et des besoins des personnes itinérantes atteintes de troubles mentaux graves : perceptions d’une équipe itinérance-outreach
  103. Impact of First Contacts With the Criminal Justice or Mental Health Systems on the Subsequent Orientation of Mentally Disordered Persons Toward Either System
  104. Family Influence on the First Stages of the Trajectory of Patients Diagnosed with Severe Psychiatric Disorders
  105. Les enjeux des cliniques externes de psychiatrie
  106. Depression in Ontario: under-treatment and factors related to antidepressant use
  107. Major Depression in Individuals With a History of Childhood Physical or Sexual Abuse: Relationship to Neurovegetative Features, Mania, and Gender
  108. Le rôle des hôpitaux psychiatriques
  109. Leçons britanniques d’un transfert de ressources : le système de dotation par patient
  110. La pertinence du paradigme stress-coping dans l’élaboration d’un modèle de gestion du stress pour personnes atteintes de schizophrénie
  111. Le virage ambulatoire
  112. Perspectives épidémiologiques sur le virage ambulatoire des services psychiatriques
  113. History of Early Loss Among a Group of Suicide Survivors
  114. Factors related to admission of new patients consulting geriatric psychiatric services in montreal
  115. Computing Cohen’s kappa coefficients using SPSS MATRIX
  116. Assessment of Independent Living Skills for Psychotic Patients
  117. Troubles mentaux et suicide
  118. L’après-suicide, une expérience unique de deuil?
  119. Évaluation de l’efficacité à long terme d’un programme de réinsertion sociale
  120. Le suicide chez les jeunes adultes de sexe masculin au Québec : Psychopathologie et utilisation des services médicaux
  121. New findings on tardive dyskinesia in a community sample
  122. L'Usage D'Alcool et de Drogues Chez un Groupe de Patients Psychotiques: Ampleur de la Consommation Selon Différentes Pratiques D'enquête
  123. Validation D'un Questionnaire D'évaluation du Fonctionnement Social Des Personnes Ayant Des Troubles Mentaux Chroniques
  124. Évaluation des habiletés de vie autonome chez les personnes psychotiques
  125. Burden of Care of Families Not Living With Young Schizophrenic Relatives
  126. Excess mortality by natural causes of italian schizophrenic patients
  127. A Test of the Therapeutic Mechanism in Social Skills Training with Avoidant Personality Disorder
  128. Mobility of schizophrenic patients, non-psychotic patients and the general population in a case register area
  129. Les ressources résidentielles nécessaires à la poursuite de la désinstitutionnalisation
  130. Personality disorders in long term non-psychotic patients
  131. Deux modèles de services de réhabilitation en Grande-Bretagne
  132. Private exposure and covert sensitization in the treatment of exhibitionism
  133. Le pendule
  134. Paradoxical Intention and Exposure In vivo in the Treatment of Psychogenic Nausea: Report of Two Cases
  135. Trajectory-Based Models in the Study of Suicide
  136. Canada
  137. Suicide Ideation and Attempt Following the Dawson College Shooting in 2006 (Montreal, Canada)
  138. Disaster-Exposure and PTSD 18 Months After the Dawson College Shooting in 2006 (Montreal, Canada)