All Stories

  1. Assessing moral injury and its clinical associations in a U.K. secure care population.
  2. Leaving the Past Behind: Exploring the Adverse Childhood Experiences of Males Detained to a Secure Specialist Deaf Inpatient Mental Health Service
  3. Exploring the Psychosocial and Wellbeing Needs of Staff Accessing Trauma Support in Forensic Mental Health Services in the UK: Relations with Demographic, Occupational and Trauma Event Characteristics
  4. Potential Sources of Moral Injury for Healthcare Workers in Forensic and Psychiatric Settings: A Systematic Review and Meta-ethnography
  5. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD): A Network Analysis in a Highly Traumatized Clinical Sample
  6. Social Identity Theories
  7. Which complex PTSD symptoms predict functional impairment in females with comorbid personality disorder needs? Research and treatment implications
  8. Moral injury in secure mental healthcare part II: experiences of potentially morally injurious events and their relationship to wellbeing in health professionals in secure services
  9. Moral injury in secure mental healthcare: part I: exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the Moral Injury Events Scale
  10. Trauma and institutional risk in a secure developmental disorder service: does the SAVRY inflate risk in adolescents exposed to ACEs?
  11. Ethnic disparity in mental health legislation at the point of inpatient entry: pilot review in detained adolescents with developmental disorders
  12. Examining the prevalence of complex PTSD in an inpatient DBT service for females with a primary diagnosis of EUPD
  13. Comparing co-production approaches to dynamic risk assessments in a forensic intellectual disability population: outcomes of a clinical pilot
  14. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and their relationship to BMI in a developmental disorder adolescent population
  15. Troubled beginnings: the adverse childhood experiences and placement histories of a detained adolescent population with developmental disorders
  16. Self-reported experiences of intimate partner violence in a female forensic intellectual disability population
  17. Empowering services users to be more aware of their treatment needs and to increase self compassion