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  1. Loss of zebrafish atp6v1e1b, encoding a subunit of vacuolar ATPase, recapitulates human ARCL type 2C syndrome and identifies multiple pathobiological signatures
  2. Disproportion and dysmorphism in an adult Belgian population with Turner syndrome: risk factors for chronic diseases?
  3. Decreased Nuclear Ascorbate Accumulation Accompanied with Altered Genomic Methylation Pattern in Fibroblasts from Arterial Tortuosity Syndrome Patients
  4. Genetic analysis of osteogenesis imperfecta in the Palestinian population: molecular screening of 49 affected families
  5. Small patella syndrome: New clinical and molecular insights into a consistent phenotype
  6. Confirmation of an ARID2 defect in SWI/SNF-related intellectual disability
  7. Severe congenital neutropenia with neurological impairment due to a homozygousVPS45p.E238K mutation: A case report suggesting a genotype-phenotype correlation
  8. The Genetics of Soft Connective Tissue Disorders