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  1. Quality evaluation of snack produced from black pepper (Piper nigrum L.), plantain (Musa paradisiaca L.), and tigernut (Cyperus esculentus L.) flour blends
  2. Optimisation of the Processing Conditions on the Culinary Qualities of Pressure-Cooked Boiled Yam
  3. Quality Attributes and Storage Stability of Bread from Wheat–Tigernut Composite Flour
  4. Quality attributes of cassava-fish crackers enriched with different flours: An optimization study by a simplex centroid mixture design
  5. Perception of Nigerian Consumers on the Culinary, Social, and Health Attributes of Pepper Soup
  6. Effects of pretreatments of banana (Musa AAA,Omini) on the composition, rheological properties, and baking quality of its flour and composite blends with wheat flour
  7. Rheological, baking, and sensory properties of composite bread dough with breadfruit ( Artocarpus communis Forst) and wheat flours
  8. Proximate, phytochemical and sensory quality of instant pepper soup mix
  9. Proximate, Baking, and Sensory Qualities of Biscuits from Wheat and Fermented Breadfruit (Artocarpus communisFrost) Flour
  10. Fungal and bacterial metabolites of stored maize (Zea mays, L.) from five agro-ecological zones of Nigeria
  11. Pasting Characteristics, Baking and Sensory Qualities of Cakes from Blends of Cassava and Wheat Flours
  12. Batter Rheology, Baking, and Sensory Qualities of Cake from Blends of Breadfruit and Wheat Flours