All Stories

  1. Understanding the effects of time perspective: A meta-analysis testing a self-regulatory framework.
  2. Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression and Suicidal Behavior in College Students: Conditional Indirect Effects of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Self-Compassion
  3. Health beliefs, attitudes, and health-related quality of life in persons with fibromyalgia: mediating role of treatment adherence
  4. Self-compassion Improves Parental Well-being in Response to Challenging Parenting Events
  5. Giving in when feeling less good: Procrastination, action control, and social temptations
  6. A longitudinal study of the profiles of psychological thriving, resilience, and loss in people with inflammatory bowel disease
  7. Procrastination
  8. Perfectionism, Health, and Well-Being
  9. Big Five traits, affect balance and health behaviors: A self-regulation resource perspective
  10. Perfectionism and Health Behaviors: A Self- Regulation Resource Perspective
  11. Perfectionism, Health, and Well-Being: Epilogue and Future Directions
  12. Conceptualizations of Perfectionism, Health, and Well-Being: An Introductory Overview
  13. Trying to Be Perfect in an Imperfect World: Examining the Role of Perfectionism in the Context of Chronic Illness
  14. Pain and Depressive Symptoms in Primary Care
  15. Is procrastination related to sleep quality? Testing an application of the procrastination���health model
  16. Self-compassion, affect, and health-promoting behaviors.
  17. Is procrastination a vulnerability factor for hypertension and cardiovascular disease? Testing an extension of the procrastination–health model
  18. Less Adaptive or More Maladaptive? A Meta-analytic Investigation of Procrastination and Coping
  19. Who Looks Forward to Better Health? Personality Factors and Future Self-Rated Health in the Context of Chronic Illness
  20. Self-Compassion, Stress, and Coping in the Context of Chronic Illness
  21. A self-regulation resource model of self-compassion and health behavior intentions in emerging adults
  22. Future orientation and health quality of life in primary care: vitality as a mediator
  23. Absorbed in the moment? An investigation of procrastination, absorption and cognitive failures
  24. Looking beyond the barriers: Practical and symbolic factors associated with disclosure of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use
  25. Supplemental Material for Self-Compassion, Affect, and Health-Promoting Behaviors
  26. Health-related self-perceptions over time and provider-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) use in people with inflammatory bowel disease or arthritis
  27. Health-Related Self-Perceptions Over Time and Provider–Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Use in People with Arthritis or Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  28. Out of Sight, Out of Time? A Meta-analytic Investigation of Procrastination and Time Perspective
  29. Associations of psychological thriving with coping efficacy, expectations for future growth, and depressive symptoms over time in people with arthritis
  30. Procrastination and Stress: Exploring the Role of Self-compassion
  31. Procrastination and the Priority of Short-Term Mood Regulation: Consequences for Future Self
  32. Lost in the Moment? An Investigation of Procrastination, Mindfulness, and Well-being
  33. Functional impairment and depressive symptoms in older adults: Mitigating effects of hope
  34. Provider Support in Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Exploring the Role of Patient Empowerment
  35. Insecure attachment moderates women's adjustment to inflammatory bowel disease severity.
  36. Editorial: Psychological Adjustment to Inflammatory Bowel Disease: The Importance of Considering Disease Activity
  37. Birth attendant choice and satisfaction with antenatal care: the role of birth philosophy, relational style, and health self‐efficacy
  38. Comment on “Preventive Screening of Women Who Use Complementary and Alternative Medicine Providers”
  39. Towards an Integrated, Person-Centered Model of the Placebo Effect
  40. Perceived Benefits of Complementary and Alternative Medicine: A Whole Systems Research Perspective
  41. The role of self-blame and responsibility in adjustment to inflammatory bowel disease.
  42. Personality and Consultations with Complementary and Alternative Medicine Practitioners: A Five-Factor Model Investigation of the Degree of Use and Motives
  43. When one door closes, another door opens: Physician availability and motivations to consult complementary and alternative medicine providers
  44. Beyond standard quality of life measures: the subjective experiences of living with inflammatory bowel disease
  45. Provider-based complementary and alternative medicine use among three chronic illness groups: Associations with psychosocial factors and concurrent use of conventional health-care services
  46. Motivations for consulting complementary and alternative medicine practitioners: A comparison of consumers from 1997–8 and 2005
  47. The Myth of Panic Spontaneity: Consideration of Behavioral and Neurochemical Sensitization
  48. The Myth of Panic Spontaneity: Consideration of Behavioral and Neurochemical Sensitization
  49. “I’ll look after my health, later”: A replication and extension of the procrastination–health model with community-dwelling adults
  50. "Learning to Live With What You Can't Rise Above": Control Beliefs, Symptom Control, and Adjustment to Tinnitus.
  51. Procrastination and intentions to perform health behaviors: The role of self-efficacy and the consideration of future consequences
  52. Procrastination and counterfactual thinking: Avoiding what might have been
  53. “I'll look after my health, later”: an investigation of procrastination and health
  54. An investigation of the health beliefs and motivations of complementary medicine clients
  55. Treatment Seeking and Experience with Complementary/Alternative Medicine: A Continuum of Choice
  56. Procrastination and Health Behavior Intentions: The Role of Self-Efficacy
  57. Psychological Thriving Scale
  58. Blame it on time: Time-related perfectionism and task performance
  59. Psychological Thriving and Positive Change Expectations in People With Arthritis
  60. Examining the Functionality of Counterfactual Thoughts for Perfectionists
  61. Wellness Behavior Checklist
  62. Distinguishing between maladaptive perfectionism and trait procrastination: A case of end-state thinking?
  63. Attachment Moderates Effects of Disease Activity in Females With IBD
  64. Fatigue and treatment control in patients with multiple sclerosis: Trait hope as a moderator
  65. Self-compassion and suicidal behaviors in fibromyalgia: Mediating role of health quality of life
  66. "At least my friends are here": The role of counterfactual thoughts in restoring extraverts' mood following social stress
  67. Future orientation mediates the relation between pain severity and interference and depression
  68. What's Good for the Gander Isn't Always Good for the Goose: Agency and Communion as Predictors of Adjustment to Chronic Illness
  69. Satisfaction With Medical Care, Health Distress, and Depressive Symptoms: Products or Precursors of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use?
  70. Financial Stigma and Health Quality of Life: Indirect Effects via Future Orientation and Affect