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  1. Sustained effect of resistance training on blood pressure and hand grip strength following a detraining period in elderly hypertensive women: a pilot study
  2. Resistance exercise leading to failure versus not to failure: effects on cardiovascular control
  3. Low dynamic muscle strength and its associations with fatigue, functional performance, and quality of life in premenopausal patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and low disease activity: a case–control study
  4. Effectiveness of exercise on cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease
  5. Resistance training versus weight-bearing aquatic exercise: a cross-sectional analysis of bone mineral density in postmenopausal women
  6. Treinamento de força versus hidroginástica: uma análise transversal comparativa da densidade mineral óssea em mulheres na pós-menopausa
  7. Qualidade de vida de pacientes com lúpus eritematoso influencia a capacidade cardiovascular em teste de caminhada de 6 minutos
  8. The quality of life of patients with lúpus erythematosus influences cardiovascular capacity in 6-minute walk test
  9. Effects of eight weeks of resistance training on the risk factors of metabolic syndrome in overweight /obese women - “A Pilot Study”
  10. The quality of life of patients with lupus erythematosus influences cardiovascular capacity in 6-minute walk test
  11. Qualidade de vida de pacientes com lúpus eritematoso influencia a capacidade cardiovascular em teste de caminhada de 6 minutos
  12. Relação da circunferência do pescoço com a força muscular relativa e os fatores de risco cardiovascular em mulheres sedentárias
  13. Higher Muscle Performance in Adolescents Compared With Adults After a Resistance Training Session With Different Rest Intervals
  14. The interactions between hemostasis and resistance training: a review
  15. Exercise order affects the total training volume and the ratings of perceived exertion in response to a super-set resistance training session
  16. Fatigue in systemic lupus erythematosus: An association with reduced physical fitness