All Stories

  1. On the Independent Roles of Cognitive & Political Sophistication: Variation Across Attitudinal Objects
  2. Are Republicans and Conservatives More Likely to Believe Conspiracy Theories?
  3. Timing Matters: How Adolescent Police Contact Shapes Political Lives
  4. Editorial: Political Misinformation in the Digital Age During a Pandemic: Partisanship, Propaganda, and Democratic Decision-Making
  5. Collective Narcissism and Perceptions of the (Il)legitimacy of the 2020 US Election
  6. Collective Narcissism and Perceptions of the (Il)legitimacy of the 2020 US Election
  7. Racialized Pandemic: The Effect of Racial Attitudes on COVID-19 Conspiracy Theory Beliefs
  8. Conspiracy Theory Belief and Conspiratorial Thinking
  9. Conspiracy Stress or Relief? Learned Helplessness and Conspiratorial Thinking
  10. Vax attacks: How conspiracy theory belief undermines vaccine support
  11. Political Misinformation in the Digital Age During a Pandemic: Partisanship, Propaganda, and Democratic Decision-Making
  12. Beyond Tuskegee, To Middlesboro: How Perspectives of Policing Shape Vaccine Attitudes for Black Americans
  13. Self-Affirmation and Identity-Driven Political Behavior
  14. Gender, Benevolent Sexism, and Public Health Compliance
  15. Gender Differences in COVID-19 Conspiracy Theory Beliefs
  16. How Right-Leaning Media Coverage of COVID-19 Facilitated the Spread of Misinformation in the Early Stages of the Pandemic in the U.S.
  17. How Right-Leaning Media Coverage of COVID-19 Facilitated the Spread of Misinformation in the Early Stages of the Pandemic
  18. Implicit candidate traits in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election: Replicating a dual-process model of candidate evaluations
  19. Implicit Candidate-Trait Associations in Political Campaigns
  20. Racial Resentment, Hurricane Sandy, and the Spillover of Racial Attitudes into Evaluations of Government Organizations
  21. Conspiracy Endorsement as Motivated Reasoning: The Moderating Roles of Political Knowledge and Trust
  22. The Minnesota Multi-Investigator 2012 Presidential Election Panel Study