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  1. Ineguaglianze economiche. Le certezze e le incertezze
  2. The Italian Renaissance economy 1350-1550
  3. Power to the People: Energy in Europe over the Last Five Centuries. By Astrid Kander, Paolo Malanima, and Paul Warde. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013. Pp. x, 457. $39.50.
  4. Review of Astrid Kander, Paolo Malanima and Paul Warde, Power to the People: Energy in Europe over the Last Five Centuries
  5. Power to the People: Energy in Europe over the Last Five Centuries. Edited by Astrid Kander, Paolo Malanima, and Paul Warde .
  6. Energy consumption in England and Italy, 1560-1913. Two pathways toward energy transition
  7. Astrid Kander, Paolo Malanima and Paul Warde, Power to the People: Energy in Europe over the Last Five Centuries
  8. Falling disparities and persisting dualism: Regional development and industrialisation in Italy, 1891–2001
  9. A history of energy consumption in the age of Modern Growth.
  10. Chiarini Bruno Malanima Paolo, eds., From Malthus’ Stagnation to Sustained Growth: Social, Demographic and Economic Factors (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), pp. 192, $100. ISBN 978-0-230-39248-9.
  11. Power to the People
  12. Energy in History
  13. When did England overtake Italy? Medieval and early modern divergence in prices and wages
  14. Energy Consumption in the Roman World
  15. A Puzzling Relationship
  16. From Malthus’ Stagnation to Sustained Growth
  17. Are people in the South less intelligent than in the North? IQ and the North–South disparity in Italy
  18. The long decline of a leading economy: GDP in central and northern Italy, 1300-1913
  19. Richard A. Goldthwaite, The Economy of Renaissance Florence, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 2009, xviii + 649 pages
  20. Comments on the paper by Pier Angelo Toninelli
  21. 150 years of the Italian economy, 1861–2010
  22. Pre-Modern European Economy
  23. The shock of the old: technology and global history since 1900 By David Edgerton. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2007. Pp. xviii + 270. Hardback US$26.00, ISBN 9780195322835.
  24. North versus South: Energy transition and energy intensity in Europe over 200 years
  25. Chapter Thirteen. A declining economy: Central and northern Italy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
  26. Energy crisis and growth 1650–1850: the European deviation in a comparative perspective
  27. Urbanisation and the Italian economy during the last millennium
  28. Progress, decline, growth: product and productivity in Italian agriculture, 1000–2000
  29. Una miniera da sfruttare
  30. Il lusso dei contadini: Consumi e industrie nelle campagne toscane del Sei e Settecento Paolo Malanima
  31. PAOLO MALANIMA, I piedi di legno. Una macchina alle origini dell'industria medievale, Milano, Franco Angeli 1988 (« Studi e ricerche storiche », 110), 149 pp., ill., bibl.
  32. The First European Textile Machine
  33. The First European Textile Machine
  34. I Riccardi di Firenze: Una famiglia e un patrimonio nella Toscana dei Medici Paolo Malanima
  35. I Riccardi di Firenze: Una famiglia e un patrimonio nella Toscana dei Medici. By Paolo Malanima. Biblioteca di Storia Toscana Moderna e Contemporanea, 15. Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 1977. Pp. viii, 272. Lire 5000.
  36. The Path Towards the Modern Economy
  37. Urbanization
  38. Demographic Dynamics and Economic Changes in Europe before the 19th Century