All Stories

  1. Studying the hydrogen atom position in the strong-short intermolecular hydrogen bond of pure and 5-substituted 9-hydroxyphenalenones by invariom refinement and ONIOM cluster computations
  2. Aspherical scattering factors forSHELXL– model, implementation and application
  3. On avoiding negative electron density in Gram-Charlier refinements of anharmonic motion: the example of glutathione
  4. Azulene revisited: solid-state structure, invariom modeling and lattice-energy minimization of a classical example of disorder
  5. Charge density studies on methylene blue – a potential anti-Alzheimer agent
  6. Coordination compounds can now be modelled with aspherical scattering factors.
  7. Is there a future for topological analysis in experimental charge-density research?
  8. Invariom modeling of disordered structures: case studies on a dipeptide, an amino acid, and cefaclor, a cephalosporin antibiotic
  9. APD-Toolkit and the Invariom+TLS approach for estimating H-ADPs
  10. Accurate bond distances to hydrogen atoms can be obtained by single-crystal XRD
  11. ESPs of fluoroquinolone antibiotics - directly after crystallographic refinement
  12. The program MolecoolQt is (more than) a graphical user interface for the charge density program XD
  13. Ladungsdichtestudie von Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)
  14. Ein einfacher Zugang zu asphärischen Elektronendichten mithilfe von Invariomen
  15. Book chapter introducing charge density research and invariom refinement