All Stories

  1. Accelerating system adequacy assessment using the multilevel Monte Carlo approach
  2. Correction to “Minimizing Unserved Energy Using Heterogeneous Energy Storage Unit”
  3. Robust and automatic data cleansing method for short-term load forecasting of distribution feeders
  4. Bayesian calibration at the urban scale: a case study on a large residential heating demand application in Amsterdam
  5. Minimizing Unserved Energy Using Heterogeneous Storage Units
  6. Data-Driven Power System Operation: Exploring the Balance Between Cost and Risk
  7. Using Vine Copulas to Generate Representative System States for Machine Learning
  8. Challenges in model and data merging for the implementation of a distribution network contingency analysis tool
  9. Robust estimation of risks from small samples
  10. How selective severing by katanin promotes order in the plant cortical microtubule array
  11. Understanding the aggregate flexibility of thermostatically controlled loads
  12. Implementation of a Massively Parallel Dynamic Security Assessment Platform for Large-Scale Grids
  13. Incorporating failures of System Protection Schemes into power system operation
  14. Impact of high wind penetration on variability of unserved energy in power system adequacy
  15. Nondisruptive decentralized control of thermal loads with second order thermal models
  16. Evaluating composite approaches to modelling high-dimensional stochastic variables in power systems
  17. An implicit switching model for distribution network reliability assessment
  18. A simple and accurate model for controlling thousands of refrigerators
  19. A robust controller for smart refrigerators
  20. How to present power system risks to non-specialists?
  21. Designing effective frequency response patterns for flexible thermostatic loads
  22. Frequency control using thermal loads under the proposed ENTSO-E Demand Connection Code
  23. Cost-benefit analysis of unreliable System Protection Scheme operation
  24. Security constrained economic dispatch with flexible thermostatically controlled loads
  25. Efficient event-driven simulations shed new light on microtubule organization in the plant cortical array
  26. Demand response contribution to effective inertia for system security in the GB 2020 gone green scenario
  27. Cortical Microtubule Arrays Are Initiated from a Nonrandom Prepattern Driven by Atypical Microtubule Initiation
  28. Controlling the synchronization and payback associated with the provision of frequency services by dynamic demand
  29. Taking directions: the role of microtubule-bound nucleation in the self-organization of the plant cortical array
  30. Designing colloidal ground-state patterns using short-range isotropic interactions
  31. Model for the orientational ordering of the plant microtubule cortical array
  32. Microtubule length distributions in the presence of protein-induced severing
  33. Survival of the Aligned: Ordering of the Plant Cortical Microtubule Array
  34. The diffusive vesicle supply center model for tip growth in fungal hyphae