All Stories

  3. John Caperon, A Vital Ministry: Chaplaincy in Schools in the Post-Christian EraCaperonJohn, A Vital Ministry: Chaplaincy in Schools in the Post-Christian Era (London: SCM Press, 2015); 180 pp.: 9780334052197, £19.99 (pbk)
  4. The Tudor Cistercians. By David H. Williams. Pp. xxiii + 613 incl. 4 plates and 18 figs. Leominster: Gracewing, 2014. £24. 978 0 85244 926 7
  5. Review of a book of essays on modern Trinitarian Theology
  6. Book Review
  7. The wardens. Managing a late medieval hospital. Browne's Hospital, Stamford, 1495–1518. Edited by Alan Rogers (with members of the Stamford Survey Group). Pp. 368 incl. 4 figs. Bury St Edmunds: Abramis (for the Stamford and District Local History Socie...
  8. Christological Liberalism
  9. Beeson Trevor, The Church's Other Half: Women's Ministry (SCM Press, 2011), pp. ix+277. ISBN 978-0-334-04382-9 (hbk).
  10. An Equal Episcopate: Theological Explorations
  11. Threlfall-Holmes, Miranda, and Mark Newitt (eds). 2011.Being a Chaplain
  12. Monks and Markets
  13. Conclusion
  14. Introduction and Context
  15. The Monastic Diet
  16. Tenurial Purchasing
  17. Market Purchasing
  18. The Suppliers of the Priory
  19. Price, Preference, and Purpose: Factors Influencing the Priory’s Purchasing Decisions
  20. The Import Merchants of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1464–1520: Some Evidence from Durham Cathedral Priory
  21. The Import Merchants of Newcastle Upon Tyne, 1464–1520: Some Evidence from Durham Cathedral Priory