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  1. Dinâmicas no uso e cobertura da terra: perspectivas e desafios da Demografia
  2. População em UC na Amazônia (2007)
  3. A social and ecological assessment - the Sustainable Amazon Network
  4. Poverty and Inequality in the Rural Brazilian Amazon: A Multidimensional Approach
  5. Out-migration and land-use change in agricultural frontiers: insights from Altamira settlement project
  6. Polarização da Estrutura Fundiária - Amazônia
  7. Agrarian Structure and Land-cover Change Along the Lifespan of Three Colonization Areas in the Brazilian Amazon
  8. Sketch Maps to Understand Property Land Use-Cover
  9. Household demographic change and land use/land cover change in the Brazilian Amazon
  10. Property Size and Land Cover Change in the Brazilian Amazon